Jay Cutler won the Mr.Olympia!!


Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
Jay Cutler beat 8x Mr.Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman on Saturday night!

Congrats Jay.

Mr.Olympia is like the superbowl of bodybuilding.



The first picture, his head reminds me of Jack Nicholson...

PS that shit's disgusting looking...guh.
The dude on the right has much better abs, legs and chest in that group photo than the white dude does. The only thing that the white dude has over the black dudes is his calfs look better.
that guy's a freak :E

competitive body building = secret homoerotic wishfullfilment in a non-threatening (non revealing) sort of way ..it's like show dogs on parade for closested menz fearful of being found out

/me prepares to be attacked by ...secret closeted gay men who'll argue till they're blue in the face that seeing buffed oily menz in speedos touching their bodies in manly ways doesnt turn them on ..........sure buddy :LOL:

/me points at some people and yells "GHEY!!!"

ok disgusting

but how could he win with misshapen stomach muscles/abs? - surely perfection is the goal?

There's nothing you can do about misshapen abs unfortunately, that's purely genetics.
Look at the dude to the left of him..he has a 3 pack.
That being said, bodybuilders are hideous. The only thing worse than a male bodybuilder? A female bodybuilder.
There's nothing you can do about misshapen abs unfortunately, that's purely genetics.
Look at the dude to the left of him..he has a 3 pack.
That being said, bodybuilders are hideous. The only thing worse than a male bodybuilder? A female bodybuilder.

I knew a guy who thought he was really buff, but was just reallly fat, was obsessed with anything muscle enhancing *pills/drinks/anything* and wanted to marry a FEMALE BODY BUILDER.../gag
who likes to go to a superbowl whit musculous mens in thongs?
You guys are just green with envy, you know you could never look like because you dont have the drive or dedication. :)

Because he was jacked up on a gazillion steroids. Like most bodybuilders actually.

The steroids Arnie was taking in his day were no where near as powerful as they are now, look at Ronnie Colemans stomach and compare it to Arnies, you will see a massive difference which is what all the super powerful drugs and hormones do to you today.
There's nothing you can do about misshapen abs unfortunately, that's purely genetics.
Look at the dude to the left of him..he has a 3 pack.
That being said, bodybuilders are hideous. The only thing worse than a male bodybuilder? A female bodybuilder.

The dude to the left of him is Ronnie Coleman, 8 time Mr Olympia and greatest Bodybuilder of all time...interms of titles. I would still put Arnie and Frank Palumbo above him anyday though when it comes to aestetics.
Do they have drug tests in this superbowl? >.>
@ Arnie's pics: I get the impression that somehow the skin is tearing up because of the huge muscles. Look at his biceps D:
His head looks photoshopped to me, but I know it's real. Which is what makes it truly gross.
@ Arnie's pics: I get the impression that somehow the skin is tearing up because of the huge muscles. Look at his biceps D:

thats impossible really... your skin grows to the size it needs to be. just look at fat people for example-- tons of extra skin. his skin looks pretty tight though because according to diet he has lost all his water-weight and it gives a more defined look since he has literally no fat on him.
Do they have drug tests in this superbowl? >.>

If they did, no one would be able to compete, especially the really top guys and the women have taken so much testosterone that their vagina looks like a giant deformed penis. :x
If they did, no one would be able to compete, especially the really top guys and the women have taken so much testosterone that their vagina looks like a giant deformed penis. :x
Okay, I wasn't too grossed out by the pictures, but F*CK.
You guys are just green with envy, you know you could never look like because you dont have the drive or dedication. :)


Correct. I don't have the drive or the dedication to become an ugly freak.

However, where does the 'jealousy' part in there come in?
There's nothing you can do about misshapen abs unfortunately, that's purely genetics.
Look at the dude to the left of him..he has a 3 pack.
That being said, bodybuilders are hideous. The only thing worse than a male bodybuilder? A female bodybuilder.

Did someone mention female bodybuilders?


You guys are just green with envy, you know you could never look like because you dont have the drive or dedication. :)


I could be bigger than him if i wanted, i have very good genetics for bodybuilding.
I have more drive and dedication that jay cutler does, i expect my diet is superior to his.

Jay cutler dosn't carry 100kg logs for miles like i do.

I do not wish to become as big as a pro bodybuilder, mainly because it is not a completely healthy state to be in, being completely sliced takes a strain on the body for their last couple of weeks before a comp, i don't want to use steroids either, i raise my testosterone levels naturally through diet and certain techniques so they are sky high all year round and i don't have to come down post cycle.

My goal is a "perfect" male physique of health and fitness.
Wow, congrats on pushing your bodies in ways that'll ensure the rest of your lives are short and painful, and will probably end up in obesity :D
I could be bigger than him if i wanted, i have very good genetics for bodybuilding.
I have more drive and dedication that jay cutler does, i expect my diet is superior to his.

Jay cutler dosn't carry 100kg logs for miles like i do.

I do not wish to become as big as a pro bodybuilder, mainly because it is not a completely healthy state to be in, being completely sliced takes a strain on the body for their last couple of weeks before a comp, i don't want to use steroids either, i raise my testosterone levels naturally through diet and certain techniques so they are sky high all year round and i don't have to come down post cycle.

My goal is a "perfect" male physique of health and fitness.
Recoil shut the **** up.
Well, this is a ****ing horrible thing to wake up to.
The first picture, his head reminds me of Jack Nicholson...

PS that shit's disgusting looking...guh.

yes it is disgusting.

I agree, I do bodybuilding.... but not to the exterme level like the ones above (its bs).

95% of all females love mens to have bodies like the ones in these pictures:


You know, I'm going to add on to my previous post and say that this is the most horrible ****ing topic I have read in a long time and I sincerely hope there is no god if it allows shit like this to live.
Trying dealing with stuff like that for 3 years.
while not as harsh as absinthe I too think this thread is one part disturbing, one part terrifying and 2 parts closeted ghey wish fullfillment ..even the language is so overtly homoerotic that's it's hilarious .."pump it up hard, give me 3 more ..<pant pant> 2 more ...come on feel the burn, 2 more ..I want to see you sweat ..one more ...oooooh didnt that feel great?:

:O <shudder>

oh and Terminator, no offense but you look to me like a meathead: thick but not really defined/cut etc (not that I take the time to assess your physical looks) ..I think you couldnt become like what's his face ..mostly because if you could you'd already be like him ..that's just a guess but it's probably somewhat accurate
Is it just me, or do their body shapes look exactly the same? How can you judge that. Retarded. There are like centimeters of difference between them, except the white guy has weaker looking pecs, and he won.