JBMod (Working Physgun)

physgun source was included in the sdk.
i see that the physgun is different, but what is it actually? sorry for the noobish question :p
You really should do a search. It adds welding capabilities/not sure what else.

BTW, JB, read your pm(please :)
ive managed to weld 2 barrels together but i don't rightly know how i did that

how does this work?

edit: nice one on the speed or release :)
There should be little red things(as seen in the screenie). Put them together = weld.
i got it. it's really fun to play around with :D i can only see this mod going up from hereon.
How do you get into the game? I did what the instructions say and when I start up HL2 and go to new game there is nothing to click to start a new game. I tried typing "map intro" in the console and it takes me to the part where the G-Man is talking to you, but after he is done talking he stays there and I am not able to move (noclip doesn't work, I have no control).