Jeep, Airboat and Crane in DM maps


Apr 14, 2004
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Did anyone figure out how to make the vehicles work right in DM? I mean, I got them working, but I still have the same problems some people reported:

1- The models don't show when driving a vehicle
2- The Jeep's weapon doesn't work

Did someone solve those? In addition, is it possible to take the jeep's weapon and ammo at the back off?

Thanks everybody!
I believe valve dudes are still working on the mp vehicle code, so sit tight brother!
yea, I know...

there are entitys named:


to get the airboat working. Just place it.
to get the jeep/buggy working:
1. create the entity where you want it.
2. ALT-ENTER (entity_options).
3. Set "World Model" to "models/buggy.mdl" or browse for it
( got it! :D all it needed was a magnet enity)

and, no sorry models wont show up inside the vehicle.
to shoot with the jeep, press (and/or hold) alt fire.
ReaperSWE said:
yea, I know...

there are entitys named:


to get the airboat working. Just place it.
to get the jeep/buggy working:
1. create the entity where you want it.
2. ALT-ENTER (entity_options).
3. Set "World Model" to "models/buggy.mdl" or browse for it
( got it! :D all it needed was a magnet enity)

and, no sorry models wont show up inside the vehicle.
to shoot with the jeep, press (and/or hold) alt fire.

Thanks ReaperSWE, but I got all that, my problem is with models showing up inside vehicles...

I got an answer from Mike Dussault from Valve:

The player model doesn't have an animation for sitting in the vehicle, so in the SDK sample, we make him disappear when he gets in the vehicle. If you were to build an animation of him sitting in the vehicle, then you could draw him in the vehicle.

Since I don't know sh*t about coding or animation... I'm stuck! I guess I'll have to wait... But Thanks to MIke Dussault, he was very quick to answer my e-mail!