Jeff Wayne's, War Of The Worlds


May 13, 2004
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Im just wondering who has this? When they first heard it, etc etc, the first time I heard of "War of the worlds" was when I very young and listened to the record verson, I didnt understand the story very well (I was very, very young after all) but it chilled me right down to the bone, maybe that was just the music. I now listen to it alot on mp3 though, my record player no longer works :)

If anyone has been living under a rock for the last few years, War of the worlds is a book by H.G Wells, published (I think) in 1896) And was the very first sci fi, H.G Wells thought up everything, no one before had writen anything like it.

I thought I would just find out if there are anyone around who loves the Jeff Wayne musical as much as I do, and when they first read the book, or listened to the record.
The musical:D. I adore it.... I used to listen to it all the time, but then the CD's vannished. It kinda got soured as well, after I found out he owns all the rights to the original story so that nobody can make a film or such like unless they go through him, or the story is different (such as with the recent remake)

Not sure when I first listened to it actually. It was quite a few years ago. I remember, I used to hang on every word. The sound was so perfect, and I could just sit and listen to it every day.
Yeah, those recordings really are extraordinary things.

But, just for the record, the book wasn't the first sci-fi. Jules Verne wrote many of his novels almost half a century before Wells, and I'm sure someone even predated him.
I think it was the first alien invading book.
I listen to the musical once a week. Oh man I love this thing.

If you've got MSN and a half-dozen hours to spare, I can send y'all a copy.