Jehovahs Witnesses "systematically jailed", yay!


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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And who said conscription was bad? According to the World Daily ( there are 95000 JWs in South Korea, with 15000+ jailed, for violations of conscription laws (Frontline Infantry, anyone?).

Yeah, finally, a solution to the knock on your doors with the maniacs telling you to believe in Jesus because the end will come, and threatening you with gory phamplets of the coming apocalypse.

Heh. End mini-rant.
JW's are all retards...
Seriously, they all suck bawls.
That doesn't mean they need to be jailed for it.

Just my opinion.
And who said conscription was bad? According to the World Daily ( there are 95000 JWs in South Korea, with 15000+ jailed, for violations of conscription laws (Frontline Infantry, anyone?).

Yeah, finally, a solution to the knock on your doors with the maniacs telling you to believe in Jesus because the end will come, and threatening you with gory phamplets of the coming apocalypse.

Heh. End mini-rant.

and you like to pretend that your country is free ... :laugh:

I fully support the JW's decision not to join your idiotic army, it is against their beliefs and in a free society they would have that choice

btw I hate you Numbers for making me defend jehovah witnesses, I feel dirty
and you like to pretend that your country is free ... :laugh:

I fully support the JW's decision not to join your idiotic army, it is against their beliefs and in a free society they would have that choice

btw I hate you Numbers for making me defend jehovah witnesses, I feel dirty
Feels good doesn't it? :naughty:
Jehovas Witnesses are major sponsors of organized crime here, prostitution, corruption etc. Really nice people.
anyone wanna give me the 5 second summary of their beliefs?
They believe they have to knock on your door at the earliest time in the morning that they can, and then press religious jargon on you.
Like Stern said, they have every right not to join the army, even if they do cause childeren to die. Its called a free country.
Why the **** do you want to jail people just because they don't have the same beliefs as you?
I don't understand much about this religion, I work with a girl that is and she can't even pitch in on our weekly lottery fund. Sucks for her.

But I'm glad we are adding more religions to shit all over, muslims were getting lonely for a while.
and you like to pretend that your country is free ... :laugh:

I fully support the JW's decision not to join your idiotic army, it is against their beliefs and in a free society they would have that choice

btw I hate you Numbers for making me defend jehovah witnesses, I feel dirty

Come on, this is step one in the banishment of religion. Or mental retardation, as I call it. Why would you want to defend the right to be a raving lunatic, especially when it violates constitutional codes?

They believe they have to knock on your door at the earliest time in the morning that they can, and then press religious jargon on you.

About sums it up.

Like Stern said, they have every right not to join the army, even if they do cause childeren to die. Its called a free country.

Not when it violates the constitution; the duty of military service (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Combat Police) is just the same a duty as is paying your taxes.

Why the **** do you want to jail people just because they don't have the same beliefs as you?

Because, I believe that not doing your duty is unpatriotic and cowardly, and secondly, I feel somehow cheated because I'm an atheist and therfore have no excuse :p (although, admittably I would willingly answer conscription).

The Cure, my fellow atheists, lies in the very system itself. We must be willing to make concessions in our beleifs if we are to combat this virus. :)
Forced athiesm is just as bad as forced religion. Oh, and don't pull that patriotic crap - the fact is a country that conscripts is not free.
Forced athiesm is just as bad as forced religion.

Is it? Forced religion has you stoning, bombing, killing and whatever, whereas forced atheism, although forced, has you doing nothing at all, except preventing you from going to church/bugging other people.

Oh, and don't pull that patriotic crap - the fact is a country that conscripts is not free.

Well, better conscription than invasion.
Come on, this is step one in the banishment of religion. Or mental retardation, as I call it. Why would you want to defend the right to be a raving lunatic, especially when it violates constitutional codes?

what constitutional codes? the one granting freedom? the one that allows people to worship whatever the hell they want? I'm the first to ridicule religion but I can recognise that people have a right to believe whatever the ehll they want ..again, forced conscription isnt the hallmark of a democratic society just cant get beyond that fact take the good with the bad, that's what being a democracy is all about, or supposed to be about ..and dont try to use this as an excuse, you couldnt care less about the JW policies till they refused to serve in your army's only a problem when they cross one of your set in stone moral codes ..the fact that their religion is at time abhorrent doesnt matter in the least to you's only when they threaten your idea of what an authoritarian state means that you have an opinion
anyone wanna give me the 5 second summary of their beliefs?

I wanted to get it down in 5 seconds, but then curiousity struck, so I Googled.. is their "official" website.. here's a fun snippet that proves I'm going to burn in eternal damnation, WOOOHOOOOOOOO:

"If God is love, why does he permit wickedness?
GOD does permit wickedness, and millions on earth willfully make a practice of it. For instance, they declare wars, drop bombs on children, scorch the earth, and cause famines. Millions smoke and get lung cancer, practice adultery and get sexually transmitted diseases, use alcohol to excess and get cirrhosis of the liver, and so on. Such people do not truly want all wickedness stopped. They only want the penalties for it eliminated."

Viva La Wickedness!!! :sniper:
I wanted to get it down in 5 seconds, but then curiousity struck, so I Googled.. is their "official" website.. here's a fun snippet that proves I'm going to burn in eternal damnation, WOOOHOOOOOOOO:

"If God is love, why does he permit wickedness?
GOD does permit wickedness, and millions on earth willfully make a practice of it. For instance, they declare wars, drop bombs on children, scorch the earth, and cause famines. Millions smoke and get lung cancer, practice adultery and get sexually transmitted diseases, use alcohol to excess and get cirrhosis of the liver, and so on. Such people do not truly want all wickedness stopped. They only want the penalties for it eliminated."

Viva La Wickedness!!! :sniper:

kid needs blood transfusion

Jehovah's Winesses dont believe in blood transfusions

Kid's parents are jehovah's witnesses and refuse blood transfusion to be performed on son

kid dies

how's that for wickedness you ****ing bunch of god damn crazy hypocrites?
GOD does permit wickedness, and millions on earth willfully make a practice of it. For instance, they declare wars, drop bombs on children, scorch the earth, and cause famines. Millions smoke and get lung cancer, practice adultery and get sexually transmitted diseases, use alcohol to excess and get cirrhosis of the liver, and so on.


Also, I hereby demand that this smiley be added to the current collection.

Make it so.
Is it? Forced religion has you stoning, bombing, killing and whatever, whereas forced atheism, although forced, has you doing nothing at all, except preventing you from going to church/bugging other people.

Well, better conscription than invasion.

Forcing anyone to believe anything is wrong. The best you can do is put forward a persuasive rational argument. If they reject it, then you can't just scare the bejesus (literally) out of them into believing.
"You don't like rationalism? Well then open wide and let me SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH GRRR."

EDIT: Retroactive smiley addition. Because it kicks your ass.
we should have a smiley vote, raises hand for pot smoking smiley
Is it? Forced religion has you stoning, bombing, killing and whatever, whereas forced atheism, although forced, has you doing nothing at all, except preventing you from going to church/bugging other people.

Because it is not granting freedom. I don't like religion, but if we were to ban it, we would not be living in a truely free society.

Well, better conscription than invasion.

Funny, we don't have conscription, and when was the last time we were invaded?
I went to band camp with a Jehovah's Witness once. Nice kid, but he was a little boring.
Banning everything that had the potential to cause harm would be the Nanny State gone mad!
Just think of the duct tape sales profit! What isn't banned is given dozens of layers of that protective goodness so that it couldn't in the future cause harm.
what constitutional codes? the one granting freedom? the one that allows people to worship whatever the hell they want?

No, the ones that say that you have duties to the country that grants you rights.

I'm the first to ridicule religion but I can recognise that people have a right to believe whatever the ehll they want ..again, forced conscription isnt the hallmark of a democratic society just cant get beyond that fact take the good with the bad, that's what being a democracy is all about, or supposed to be about

I would think that what benefits the people, or at least the majority of the people, however draconian or authoritarian, serves far better than the western ideal of democracy. Why take the bad? Just cut it out!

And yes, I somewhat agree that people should be able to believe whatever the hell they want, just not publicly.

..and dont try to use this as an excuse, you couldnt care less about the JW policies till they refused to serve in your army

Well, with the exception of them coming to convert you, yes, because they wern't in the spotlight.'s only a problem when they cross one of your set in stone moral codes ..the fact that their religion is at time abhorrent doesnt matter in the least to you's only when they threaten your idea of what an authoritarian state means that you have an opinion

No, I have an inherent dislike for most religions, and the idea of someone using their religion as an excuse to avoid duty makes me angry.

Forcing anyone to believe anything is wrong. The best you can do is put forward a persuasive rational argument. If they reject it, then you can't just scare the bejesus (literally) out of them into believing.

Well, seeing as the ability to reason is what sets humanity apart from other animals, wouldn't rejecting rational argument be more like rejecting being human? Or something like that.

Because it is not granting freedom. I don't like religion, but if we were to ban it, we would not be living in a truely free society.

Again, a truly free society may not be ideal.

Funny, we don't have conscription, and when was the last time we were invaded?

Uh, 1987? (iirc) Falklands?

Anyway, we have Mr. Psycho, Red China, and a militarily growing Japan (with numerous histories of invasion/looting) as neighbors. You can't really blame us.
Anyway, we have Mr. Psycho, Red China, and a militarily growing Japan (with numerous histories of invasion/looting) as neighbors. You can't really blame us.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, south korea needs an army, even more than we do. But that doesn't make conscription anymore right. You could proboaly survive without it.

Uh, 1987? (iirc) Falklands?

Yeah, but we took them back :p
Well, seeing as the ability to reason is what sets humanity apart from other animals, wouldn't rejecting rational argument be more like rejecting being human? Or something like that.

Not really, humans have an amazing capacity to be irrational.

You can't force someone to be rationally minded . And you can't really make irrationality a crime either, just like you can't make idiocy or even being bad at mathematics a crime.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, south korea needs an army, even more than we do. But that doesn't make conscription anymore right. You could proboaly survive without it.

Maybe, but it'd still cost more to recruit.

Yeah, but we took them back :p

Heh, yeah. :D

Not really, humans have an amazing capacity to be irrational.

You can't force someone to be rationally minded . And you can't really make irrationality a crime either, just like you can't make idiocy or even being bad at mathematics a crime.

Oh. I understand. D:

But you know, the world would be a lot better place if people had reason. :/
I went to band camp with a Jehovah's Witness once. Nice kid, but he was a little boring.

I went to middle school with a Jehovah's Witness. Same thoughts. He was nice. I think he's at MIT for university now.
anyone wanna give me the 5 second summary of their beliefs?
Crazy-literal fundy interpretation of the bible. It's obvious the world is ending and when it does God will establish a totalitarian theocratic dictatorship where people who don't believe in Him or don't follow Him will be sent to hell.

Their interpretation of the bible is actually very close to Mecha's one, seeing it as a handbook for theocracy. Except they actually follow it.