Jerks who play like the jerky jerks they are


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
I joined a ranked server the other day and immediately joined the first squad on the list that had more than one player, it had 2 players (you'd think on a 32 player server that there'd be more than just 5 people split up between 3 squads) anyways I join the squad check my map for their location and speed off in a jeep to join them. On the way there I hear over my headphones in broken english "get off my squad stupid azzhole" ...his voice volume was pretty low so I wasnt sure of what he said so I asked "what?" response ...I finally caught up to them but as soon as I saw them again over the voicecom in broken english squad leader says: "you stupid, you get off squad now, stoopid azzhole". This time I was sure of what he said so I asked him what his problem was that I was only there to give them a hand ...their response: "you get off now stoopid asshole"

so for the next 20 minutes or so I'd tag along with them helping them out even saving their asses a few times the whole while over my voicecomm I'd hear ..."you go azzhole you get off squad now stoopid azzhole" ...I'd ignore it and keep playing (no I'm no masochist ..I want squad points). But on one occasion after having survived an intense firefight where I saved their asses after I had stolen an enemy tank but lost it in the battle. They jumped into an APC and took off leaving me stranded on foot ..once again over the comm I hear "you get off now azzhole" I had had enough ...I eventually caught up to them and snuck up close enough to drop a mine behind their tank, the front end was up against a wall, they had no choice but to back up, as soon as they did BAM!! they're both dead ...over my voicecomm I hear: "you stoopid azzhole"

I got punished for tking ...but boy was it worth it :laugh: ...the next 30 minutes or so I joined another squad and had a great time playing

so do any of you have stories of jerky teamates?
LOL why did they not just lock the squad to prevent that? But yeah there are many idiots out there..
didnt know you could lock squads ...I guess that would have made sense :)
That's exactly the sort of thing that bothers me in online play. Stern I don't have your patience, I would have told him to "stfu noob" the first time he'd open his yap hole and log in an alt account to TK him repeatedly till he squeals like a pig on the mic! Hah! I kid, VOIP disabled makes the game much more enjoyable. ;)
ya I did tell them to stfu a couple of times cuz it was getting annoying ...but I was determined that they wouldnt ruin my game for me I just turned the tables on them's much more satisfying to take revenge when they least expect it
I've not really had any terrible experiences with people on my team, apart from a few people running in front of my jeep etc. You need to play with a decent squad ;)
Wow nice story! Every time I hear a rant it always ends up with the player being kicked, but this one actually ended happily (in a way). Nice revenge!

Also, you could've muted his voip so you wouldn't have to hear him.
I'm confused, when you select a squad, don't you have to apply first, and the squadleader has to approve or dissaprove of you before you join, if thats so. Why did he let you in, if he didn't want you in the squad.
ya but it was funny ...ya I gotta find a server with good players
Grey Fox said:
I'm confused, when you select a squad, don't you have to apply first, and the squadleader has to approve or dissaprove of you before you join, if thats so. Why did he let you in, if he didn't want you in the squad.

I didnt know the leader had to approve ...maybe he's just an idiot
Grey Fox said:
I'm confused, when you select a squad, don't you have to apply first, and the squadleader has to approve or dissaprove of you before you join, if thats so. Why did he let you in, if he didn't want you in the squad.

No, that's only if the squad you selected is locked. When you click 'join' on a locked squad the leader has to accept or deny you.
Wouldn't it of been better for everyone just to back off instantly and join a different squad?
Wait, can you even request to join a locked squad anymore? I know you could in demo, but I don't get that message in Retail.
Wow, I didn't know Chinese Gold Farmers were in this game already. The squad leader can actually kick people out of their squad too, what a moron.
There are lots of morons. I've had spec ops plant bombs on my tank then blow it up, I asked them why they did that, and they say "Why not?"
what an idiot's people like that that spoil online games for me
CptStern, uber-soldier with big kill stick? Is that an unlockable kit?!?!

n00bs like that are what lose rounds. They do their own thing and basically make your team down a few guys since they are simply a waste. It also doesn't help no one else joins do these people remember to breathe?

All us guys need to find a ranked server some day...if only all of there werent full 24/7.
Pesmerga said:
CptStern, uber-soldier with big kill stick? Is that an unlockable kit?!?!


/me unzips pants

why yes, yes it is :naughty:
A True Canadian said:
And he breaks 10,000 with that post. :laugh:

ummm ....doh? what a classic line to post as my 10,000 th ...I didnt even know, thanks for reminding me :thumbs:
Fliko said:
There are lots of morons. I've had spec ops plant bombs on my tank then blow it up, I asked them why they did that, and they say "Why not?"

Lol, i had someone do that to a plane i was on, i took off, they detonated it and i laughed as the explosions hardly scratched me.
i havent had an experience like this. a couple times, arseholes stand in front of airplanes and i'd have no choice but to run them over tiananmen square style... only with airplanes... and actually running them over. people also clip the aircraft carrier while getting ammo and tk people. most of the tking ive seen has to do with airplanes or helicopters. btw stern, your xfire is cptstern right? accept me!
nein! you are the enemy!!!!

actually I havent installed it yet
CptStern said:
nein! you are the enemy!!!!

actually I havent installed it yet
come on youre just delaying the inevitable. and arent you curious what i'm REALLY like?! when you get it, add johnshoop and you will get most of the guys as well.
gh0st said:
come on youre just delaying the inevitable. and arent you curious what i'm REALLY like?! when you get it, add johnshoop and you will get most of the guys as well.

after yesterday's little gay pride thread I'm a little afraid to know what you're really like ;)
CptStern said:
after yesterday's little gay pride thread I'm a little afraid to know what you're really like ;)
aw tits stern i was just trying to get a rise out of you :o
You should have just stood in front of the APC and get repeatedly teamkilled, then after a certain number of punishes he will get banned.
gh0st said:
aw tits stern i was just trying to get a rise out of you :o

mission accomplished ...I think you probably got a rise out of the majority of the politics forum regulars (including a guest appearance by our fearless leader himself: Munro :eek: ) ...but I wont hold that against you ..on the battlefield we're all the same colour
CptStern said:
mission accomplished ...I think you probably got a rise out of the majority of the politics forum regulars (including a guest appearance by our fearless leader himself: Munro :eek: ) ...but I wont hold that against you ..on the battlefield we're all the same colour
some of the anti tank guys are black.

thats why i dont play as them :flame:

just kidding :D
gh0st said:
some of the anti tank guys are black.

thats why i dont play as them :flame:

just kidding :D

somehow I'm not all that sure you are ..kidding

I want to play with you guys, but I'm still waiting on my "backup" copy to come. Well, that or a new DVD drive, but I've not really got enough money for that right now :(

Damned safedisc!
My copy should be cmoing tomorow, can't wait for it to come and see all the jerks and point and laugh at their jerkyness!
you might be jerking yourself evo.

edit: by which i mean, literally jerking in-game.
What pisses me off is the idiots that don't forgive a tk when they don't know 100% what happened, i had one guy that jumped on top of the rotor blades and died when i took off, another that got killed when my heatseekers missed my target and hit him...pisses me off so much
Razor said:
What pisses me off is the idiots that don't forgive a tk when they don't know 100% what happened, i had one guy that jumped on top of the rotor blades and died when i took off, another that got killed when my heatseekers missed my target and hit him...pisses me off so much

Yeah, I think they should remove the feature altogether. It's good in theory, but the players (well 9/10 of them) just punish without though, even when it's their fault. If there's a geniune tk'er in the server he can be vote kicked out. Either that or make the punish system a lot more hassle, people won't be arsed if it's a lot of bother in the first place. In BF:V, you had to type a console command to punish people. If it was a geniune mistake many people might not be arsed to bother punishing.
I hate the guys who get in the AA gun's on the aircraft carrier and shoot recently spawned choppers and planes for no reason :(