Jersey backs gay rights

Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Not only are we the 4th smartest state, we're also quite progressive :afro:

New Jersey is one of only five US states without either a law or a state constitutional amendment blocking same-sex marriage.

Advocates on both sides had believed it was more likely than other states to allow gay people to wed, as it has a tradition of expanding civil rights.

The state authorised domestic partnerships two years ago.

Currently, only Massachusetts allows same-sex marriages.

The court's decision was welcomed as a partial victory by both advocates and critics of gay marriage.

"It may not be a complete win, but it is a very substantial win," said Matt Coles of the American Civil Liberties Union.
I now approve of New Jersey.

I award you three points.
im in one of the stupidest states and it voted for kerry bitch and is progressive i think?, by the way its california.
i personally have no problem gay marriage just dont want to see gays showing their affection unless they are hot lesbians.
In commemoration of this great day, I shall buy a new jersey.
The government should get its hands out of marriage completely. It's none of their business.