Jesus enters the Digital Age, praise be the Looord


May 5, 2004
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Jesus seems to be everywhere these days (it's a festivus MIRACLE)

on trees


sight08.jpgon potato chips

on a tortilla


on X-rays

04123155052_Jesus 1.jpg

on a dogs ass


now comes his latest divine visitation: on a Flash Memory card:


what happens if you reformat? a lifetime of burning in hell for killing jebus?

......and then they wonder why they're rediculed
jesus didnt have a laptop, i call bs
That looks like scary congo carved idol jesus.
he's the master of disguise ..his image isnt on the tree ..jesus is the tree ..he must be like amazing at "Hide n Seek"

But one morning about a week before Christmas, Ella was sitting at her kitchen table and gazing out the window. And there he was, just like in the picture books, starting at the top of the lightened section on the front of the tree. Hair down to his shoulders, beard, robe.

"I said to myself, as I was the only one here, that looks like an image of Christ," she says.

At first, she thought Jesus appeared sad with his eyes aimed downward. Then it began to appear to her that Jesus was holding a baby up to his face and looking down at it lovingly.

see? that knot looking thing? that's clearly the baby's head can tell cuz it looks angelic ......................................................................... :O

Yeah, the tree one was a little far fetched.

People suck.
Still can't see shit on the tree...

Edit - Wait... could that be it? If it's where I think it is, is anyone else seeing the alien snarling at his face?
Still can't see shit on the tree...

Edit - Wait... could that be it? If it's where I think it is, is anyone else seeing the alien snarling at his face?

This is the best I can do with paint

The tree example is kinda ironic since he died on one.
well it was shaped more like a cross than a tree .. catholic school kids wearing trees around their necks would be a little much
This is the best I can do with paint


I was blind but now i See, thank yea baby Jebus!!!1

Has anyone seen that episode of it's always sunny in Philadelphia where they find a water stain that looks like the virgin funny.
Several hardened atheists here at Vulture Central have suggested this is in fact Gandalf - a heretical suggestion given that Gandalf is a fictional character without the power to manifest himself in silicon. We have, accordingly, emailed their details to the Spanish Inquisition.

LOL... :laugh:
I once saw jesus on a turd of shit in my bathrom

he say to me "bring me to the vatican to avoid the apocalitpsy"

but I didnt want to touch the shit so I fluxed
It's animated to make it easier see, although it's the only one in this thread that is actually a manifestation of Jesus.
F*ck off, I like Mr. Head in vagina. You can't make me do it.

jesus:I can make a lot of things,I created all you see dumbass so erase that shit unless you want a crater the size of antartida in your town
Actually, it look a whole hell of a lot like Susano from Okami! Just with longer hair.

Is it a sign? Is the saviour returning to rid us of the evil 8-headed dragon beast once more?

Quick, someone find a cricket-infested wolf with a face painting obsession and a giant sword on it's back.

Edit - AND BOOZE! Can't forget booze. Lots of booze. Holy booze.
Actually, it look a whole hell of a lot like Susano from Okami! Just with longer hair.

Is it a sign? Is the saviour returning to rid us of the evil 8-headed dragon beast once more?

Quick, someone find a cricket-infested wolf with a face painting obsession and a giant sword on it's back.

Edit - AND BOOZE! Can't forget booze. Lots of booze. Holy booze.

and protect kushi!