jetpack +robo-mecha-lion thing and others

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I got banned...Don't know why...Can't contact Administrator. Maybe has something to do with our Ip-server on the work. I'm really a nice boy you know.'s some more droodels from me....keep on drawing people

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My jetpack trooper

A robo-lion-mecha thing

Aerial view

My girl
So you don't like my girl Evil? ;)

ThanX for the cheerss everybody. All of the above pictures are part of a setting for a story -expect for my girlfriend-. I'm just beginning and don't know where it's all going to end. A comic-book, machina or a game-(mod)? Or all of these? We'll see. don't expect to see it soon. Fact is I'll be lucky If story setting and concept-art are ready when HL3 arrives -with a new and better source off course-
the first one looks like something from the Evangelion anime.
Very good, but what's with the Stargate Atlantis Sign?
Evangelion? Herad about it...never saw it...all of my friends told me it was bad anime..more into Gunnm. So I don't know, coincidence could Be anyway I didn't copie it...i don't like a pic-link if U can find one PLz
And what about the Atlantis-Stargate??? sign...Just something I came up with. The sign above is from the emperror the the other sign -scrible- is from the rebels.
Does it resemble the stargate logo...I hate the stargate-saga..the movie was lame..the series are terrible. There's really need for some good sci-fi.
Anybody noticed the 2 II in atlantiis? It's the working title ATLANTIIS - Revelations

Thanx for your replies...Greetzz
cool, just noting it, looked the same
but it's awsome, (when's it out? :thumbs: )
Out? Not for another 3 years I guess. As I was saying I'm just getting started. Creating a believable world- scenery, characters, politics and hierarchy.
Can't say to much now...You'll just have to wait.
Here's a good guy. I already posted him somewhere. he's the counterpart for the jetpack-trooper. Thanx for the cheerss Appreciate it...keeps me going :)
