

Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I just quit my job.

Well, not JUST quit, but I put in my 2 weeks notice on my break.

I can't tell just yet if I should celebrate or start kicking myself, but I sure as hell feel good.
where did you work and why did you quit?


I quit because I ****ing hate working, and I figure I may as well enjoy not having a job while I can (meaning still in highschool).

I mean, I don't have to pay for my own insurance or phone bills or power bills or anything else. The only regular expenses I tally are fuel related ones, and I figure ****, I don't even need to drive all that often, because I usually just kick it pretty close to home.

Why welcome to the suck? Won't I be so much happier now that I have so much time to actually do shit that I want to do D: ? ? ?
Didn't you make a thread about this already?

I quit because I ****ing hate working, and I figure I may as well enjoy not having a job while I can (meaning still in highschool).

I mean, I don't have to pay for my own insurance or phone bills or power bills or anything else. The only regular expenses I tally are fuel related ones, and I figure ****, I don't even need to drive all that often, because I usually just kick it pretty close to home.

Why welcome to the suck? Won't I be so much happier now that I have so much time to actually do shit that I want to do D: ? ? ?

Yeah man enjoy not having to work until you have to. Not being a smartass I'm serious. I'm assuming you already have a work ethic so take advantage of the little time you have left till 18 man.
Why welcome to the suck? Won't I be so much happier now that I have so much time to actually do shit that I want to do D: ? ? ?

I mean, I don't have to pay for my own insurance or phone bills or power bills or anything else. The only regular expenses I tally are fuel related ones, and I figure ****, I don't even need to drive all that often, because I usually just kick it pretty close to home.

ok that explains it. while daddys bank roll keeps you sorted, keep yourself occupied.
I quit because I ****ing hate working,

i hate working too, but i like having food and a place to sleep. all jobs aren't bad either, challenging but rewarding ones really spice up the rest of your life

ok that explains it. while daddys bank roll keeps you sorted, keep yourself occupied.

i hate working too, but i like having food and a place to sleep. all jobs aren't bad either, challenging but rewarding ones really spice up the rest of your life

Mommy's actually.

But yeah, i'd hardly consider Courtesy Clerk at safeway challenging OR rewarding. Making it through a 9 hour day involving shuffling around shopping carts and putting groceries in plastic bags is a challenge in itself D:

You either go crazy from the boredom, or from the dumbshit customers...
lol, i feel ya dude, i was a courtesy clerk at Albertson's, Shit ****in sucked!!!!

I was 18, so i had to close all the time, so i would work until 12, come home, finish my homework, try and sleep, wake up at 6, go to school until 6, head straight to work again, and start all over. Took a toll on my sanity for measly pay. The main bosses were jerk offs (the night managers were cool though), the head boss was a flaming homo (literally!), and I'm glad i left that hellhole.

The thing about grocery stores is that they don't care. Employees are easily expendable, and if you don't like it, they can easily find someone that will.
Have fun. Though its probably the only money you'd be able to do whatever with (assuming you were doing so until now).
Yeah. Work sucks. I need a new job badly, and I've been having quite the difficult time finding one.
Oh god worst time to quit job ever. Financial cr-BAWWWWWWWWW etc.

I want to quit mine but...I need it.
I just got a job at the library :) Been waiting so long to get one there.
Work sucks, but I always relate my life to Office Space (the film) and it strangely makes me grin and bare it.

Good luck finding a job you don't hate, or having enough babies to live off their benefits.
Mommy's actually.

But yeah, i'd hardly consider Courtesy Clerk at safeway challenging OR rewarding. Making it through a 9 hour day involving shuffling around shopping carts and putting groceries in plastic bags is a challenge in itself D:

You either go crazy from the boredom, or from the dumbshit customers...

your fault for aiming low and going for a job as a bag stuffer ..come on there's plenty of foot in th edoor jobs, hell VOLUNTEER to work in the field that you want to get into ..dont use this time to make excuses as to why you shouldnt is not just a means to money, it's who you are, it defines you in more ways that you can imagine. Use this time for find a career path to where you want to be working ...a recent student intern just got hired at a rival company making $50k/year ..she's 21, she used her relative inexpreience to catapult her to the job she now has
your fault for aiming low and going for a job as a bag stuffer ..come on there's plenty of foot in th edoor jobs, hell VOLUNTEER to work in the field that you want to get into ..dont use this time to make excuses as to why you shouldnt is not just a means to money, it's who you are, it defines you in more ways that you can imagine. Use this time for find a career path to where you want to be working ...a recent student intern just got hired at a rival company making $50k/year ..she's 21, she used her relative inexpreience to catapult her to the job she now has

I have no ****ing clue WHAT I want to get into, and I really, REALLY, REALLY want more time to ride my bike.

It feels like every single day off is a tiny little window of time that I get to ride my bike, and that just feels.... Wrong