John Romero voice interview. Talks about Half-Life.

Thanks for this.

Definately gave me another view of the man, he seems like a nice guy with some good ideas.

Btw, does anyone know what book he talks about at the end?
Funny, i just recently finished reading "Masters of Doom". It was an absolutely amazing book, chronicles the two Carmack's rise to power from their childhood to Doom to Daikatana to the present. I'm sure many, many people can relate to things that were mentioned in there. Kushner also did a top notch job putting you into the world of Id, you got an inside look and felt the passion, the pressure, the fame and the pain of their downfall. Although i don't know how accurate it was and who at Id contributed, it seemed like it was pretty truthful.

I wish the two Carmacks would get back together and just do what they did best, making games. All they need would be a small group of friends, all equally passionate and sharing the same vision like they did in the old days. Honestly, now that i finished the book, i understand why Doom III turned out the way it did. I can't say the game was crap, but i felt it was bland, dark and just boring. It didn't have that something that made the game, any game truly "fun". Without Romero or an equally skilled Designer, i fear their new games will stay that way too. They seem to be licensing their engines more then using it. Design is not law but technology should not be law either. The two need each other and are intricately connected, like life and death, ying yang, etc., etc..

Well, i just hope to see some resolution for the two in the future. Now that their rivalries are somewhat over, they should start cooperating again if not already. The two really were some of the best.
I've heard John Romero before..didn't he do something with doom or quake?

I'm bad with names.