John Stewart interview with Betsy McCaughey on the healthcare bill


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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Watched the extended interview on

Betsy McCaughey is the lady who pretty much started the "death panels" thing everyone got so worked up about. Those werent her words, the media of course made them up to make it sound even scarier, but it is interesting to see what she is thinking when she reads this. The interview pretty much goes like a politics debate goes on, so be prepared for some agressiveness. Most of it goes over my head, and its hard to say who is right without actually reading the parts of the bill that they talk about. I'll have to watch it a few more times to actually understand everything they're saying, but I thought it was interesting and that would like it.

The video should start up right away on the home page, and then play the second part automatically. They cut off the first couple of minutes that happened before they went to commercial on the actual show, but there wasnt a whole lot missed. You can watch the actual episode on hulu if you want to see it.

Anyways, Discuss.
Either I was too tired or I need to improve my english, because anytime they started to read from the papers I didn't understand jack. :s
Its basically all an issue of legal interpretation.

The gist of it (putting on my legal hat) is that she feels that the legislation is demanding that in order to meet targets relating to Doctor performance (and therefore pay..which creates an incentive as such) when giving end of life consultations to elderly people IE 'what I want to happen to me if I end up on life support' some Doctors might be inclined to pressure their patients into providing an answer they might not necessarily be happy with simply to be able to process them asap for performance gain. 'Yep cleared 1000 end of life consults this month, that'll pay for my new sports car'.

When you read it like that then it does sound vaguely scary. However John Stewart is saying that the legislation relating to performance rating only ties in with life sustaining treatments, and that doesn't relate to end of life consultations. Which all sounds good, however it seems to me that the issue is surely always about the quality of treatment, not the quantity.

Anyhows hopes that clarifies things.

Edit: Oh yeah, and for the record Mossad were behind it (in before<RJMC>) :dozey:
conservative love to pretend to care more about human life, but understanding that the 50 million people who aren't insured right now could get the care they need doesn't phase them. "I don't want to pay for abortions!!!!" UGH.
Tell your mom to stop being a crazy bitch.
lol at the interview finishing just before she had to provide any evidence for her claim!!!