john tucker must die looks really stupid.

Almost as lame/stupid as My Super Ex-Girlfriend.. such a shame, that guy was awesome in Transporter.
i forgot to add how all the actors are in their late 20s playing high school students.
I love it how almost every character in the movie has their own authentic Myspace profile now.

"Not going to lie-- I totally believe life is meant to follow a plan, at least my life is. Anyway, heres how I see things going for me for the next ten years or so: First Ill graduate as Forest Hills High Valedictorian, then Harvard for their advanced 3 year program then to Columbia for a Masters in Journalism with a focus in Broadcast. I hope to then get started as a news anchor working my way from the Forest Hills news station right on up to CNN. I know this seems like a lot, but I really dont play around. Im ambitious what more can I say?

I like dont eat meat, eggs, cheese, fish, milk or anything else that came from something with a face. U know. totally digging on a natural high. ;) I totally dont support the military industrial complex and am sooo dedicated to social justice. <3 it.

I normally wouldnt be on this site, but my friend Emily said I was a little lacking in the social skills department and myspace would be like a crash course in meeting new people. What more can I say about myself? Maybe Ill meet some cool guys on myspace and that will all change, but Im not exactly holding my breath. If I meet some cool people, great. If not, theres always my friends on the track team."

Yeah, that's from "Victoria" the main girl.
The girls in the movie should be given smileys.
Of course this is rubbish.

Any film that posits that it is a man's fault for having his own way at the expense of scantily clad women is bound to be illogical and baseless.
Which guy was in the Transporter?! :O
I went to check his name, and I just realised, I wasn't even thinking about the same movie, I was thinking about Crank (Which also looks lame).

/slaps self.

Though, (Now that I'm thinking about the right movie) this movie does look pretty lame, I bet I'll end up seeing it with some girl or something. :(
Adult Swim had a preview clip for this about a week ago (they've been whoring the flick out) and it was pretty much just one girl teaching another girl to kiss in John's car, then John coming up to the car and the one girl having to hide in the back, then they drive off and the other girls who're plotting against him are all "ZOMG SHE'S STILL IN THE CAR!!!!"

And that's it.

That was the end of the clip.

This movie is going to blow.
has anyone seen it yet? is it as retarded (no offense people!) as the commercials make it look?
my girlfriend took me to see it without my consent. It was hideously crappy. Nobody go see it.
A friend of mine saw it and said "IT WAS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER!" Then again, this is a girl who says that Pirates of the Carribean 2 was a "masterpiece, arguably the best movie ever," so yeahhhh..
when i first saw this i thought it said tucker max, now there would be an interesting movie