Join Savage 2 Beta Dec 25th only


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
S2 Games has some very special announcements for the Holiday season. First off, the NDA has been lifted! Feel free to tell the world about Savage 2, and to help you do that we’re launching a very special Christmas Day promotion.

Anyone who has created an account prior to or on December 25th will have the option of activating their account for beta access. Their account can be activated by logging into the front page of on December 25th ONLY. If they activate their account on that day they will enjoy complimentary beta access to the game until January 16th 2008.

This also brings up a very important topic, currently we do not have ranked servers and a large amount of “fresh blood” is being introduced to the game. Try your best to help the new players along and remember that destroying them immediately will only destroy their desire to play the game and ultimately result in less competition for you. We hope you and yours enjoy a safe and happy holiday season, Maliken

Hope to see some of you in-game later in the week!
Savage 2? Holy crap, they made a sequel?
Oh my ****ing God yes!

I loved the original Savage and still play from time to time.

Downloading the client right now! :D :D
yay thanks for the heads up!
downloading the client now
I lol'd when I was making an account and the emails didn't match and it's all:
Hint: Type slower :P
crashes a lot, and timeouts on prop_scenery. Played three games so far and it's just as fun as the first one, just needs getting used to the interface and stuff.
crashes a lot, and timeouts on prop_scenery. Played three games so far and it's just as fun as the first one, just needs getting used to the interface and stuff.

Well it is a beta, rampant instability is nothing abnormal.
Hasn't crashed on me once. :)

The graphics are pretty good, but nearly as great as the videos and screenies make them out to be.
Runs great on my 7600 and 8800.

Feels a bit more refined than Savage 1, which is a very good thing.
crashes a lot, and timeouts on prop_scenery. Played three games so far and it's just as fun as the first one, just needs getting used to the interface and stuff.

Same here...all I can do is training and practice. I haven't been able to play a game yet.
I crashed right at the end of the tutorial, and then timed out in prop_scenery on my first game. Got bored and played something else.
This game is so broken and its release is 3/4 weeks away.

Played Practice for about half an hour, it's -okay-... But I've gotta say that Savage 1 beats it in terms of accessibility.
This game is so broken and its release is 3/4 weeks away.

The thing is that the S2 guys can patch really, really fast. The game is going to change a lot in a matter of 3/4 weeks. On top of that, they don't have to really deal with QA or Certification of any kind since they are all indie.

I haven't tried other areas but the game itself (ie, creating server / practice, etc) but they usually don't get as much attention as just polishing the online experience.