Join the Army get free boobies :0


May 5, 2004
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thought this had to be fake (heheheh) but it's not:

" A group supporting natural breasts has staged a street protest in Hollywood against a U.S. military policy offering free breast implants to female soldiers."

"The group, led by porn star and former California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey, said the military should spend its money on "bullets, not boobs."

hmmm wouldnt breast implants be counter-productive? ...I mean lying in a fox hole watching the heaving chest of your fox-hole mate isnt what you want to be doing in the middle of a firefight
I love the usa and it's crazy military.

Free education! See the world! Get shot at! Die! (now with bigger boobs!)
Thats why we don't have female infantry.;)

The Army will pay for most of your medical stuff which usually means reattaching limbs and getting bullets out of you. Cosmetic surgery such as breast implants is probably a loop hole in the system. Hopefully they fix that.
Old news...

But c'mon 'practice'?!
I'm sure trauma from bullets, shrapnel and other trauma is EXACTLY the same as a face-lift or boob-job :rolleyes: