Joint Operations


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
The demo is out and the game seems pretty awesome. Right now the demo has two 120 player servers and a bunch of 80 player ones. The game is fast paced and relies heavily on teamwork. I was very pleased when I played it.

It seems to me this game is very underhyped. I don't know of any other games with the engine and network coding to support 120 players, nor have I seen maps as large as the one in the demo. I recommend trying this game out, it's pretty cool.
I don't like it because it still has that novalogic-ish feel to it. The guns just go "Rat-a-tat-tat-a-rat" and the helicopters fly so unrealistically. Desert Combat is an example of realistic helicopter handling. The models look bland and the animations are barf-alicious. The flashbang does what its name suggests, it flashes with a bang, but only for about 1 second. Also, it takes like a billion shots with a sniper rifle to kill someone. It plays way too much like DF:BHD, which is a bad thing. Your first person view doesn't swim when under water, and you run at light speed. Also, the jeeps have the same poor speed and handling as a Barbie power-wheels jeep...

I just don't like it much. I respect the fact that you like it though, so I won't say anything else.

*EDIT* Oh just one more thing, I don't like how the iron sights are painted on the screen, they should be 3D.
Co-incidently I just got off the demo.

Its good, but I agree with the above poster.

I like 120 players though..... :D
:D I like this game. I like the whole vehicle junk, plain out fun. Takes some time to get a feel for the controls and gameplay, but overall fun. This game teamwork is one of those key elements to get around and survive, this is why I like it so much too. One thing is that the map is so HUGE, not ideal for like a 5 v 5 eh? So, without vehicular transportation, it takes quite a long time to get around on foot.
ComradeBadger said:
I can't stand this. CS looks/plays better.

/me agrees soldner blows as well both wont be very sucessful im afraid as they both look/play pretty damn shitty :cool:
It's not bad, but I can't say I really like the game. It's nice the maps are larger and have more freedom than in BF, but I just don't like the way infantry feels and handles. It feels like Quake 3 players in an Operation: Flashpoint environment, that's how fast the players move, also the guns barely have recoil making shooting just point and click.
Well, the game isn't supposed to be realistic. One of the reasons I like this is because it is different. Every single war game released recently has tried to be psuedo realistic, often at the cost of fun. This game however has very fast movement speads, simple and fast vehicle controls, and easy shooting. People run fast because the maps are so freaking big. If you took away those things then it would be another Battlefield clone with more people.

And how the hell are the graphics worse than CS? I have both games and I can honestly say ... the graphics are MUCH better than CS.

Oh well, I think it's cool.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Also, it takes like a billion shots with a sniper rifle to kill someone. Also, the jeeps have the same poor speed and handling as a Barbie power-wheels jeep...

You need to practice your aim and driving then, because it's totally possible. ;)

However, my only problem are the horrid ironsights. Other than that, it's very fun and addicting, and I totally enjoy it. Can't wait to see the rest of the game.

Soldner has so far been very disappointing. Joining a server is in itself a game.
I agree with Scott, Joint Ops is pretty underrated.

They released a patch some week ago, which IMO makes the game better. You can't crash into a mountain with a helicopter and survive anymore, or jump from 500 meters from the air and survive. :D

I like this demo and will probably buy it.