Joystiq posts a "nega-review"


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score

It's basically a list of the negatives mentioned by each of 9 different reviewers. After playing the game on my friend's 360 for a few hours, I actually do agree with a good chunk of these negatives, and at the same time I can see that the game is definitely slightly over-hyped. Some of the points they bring up are a little dumb though. Still, it's an awesome game, and I'd like to thank Rockstar for doing what they do best.
"Niko's Serbian ... is God-awful."

Well, at least i am not the only one bitching about it.
The heavy blur is a real downer in my opinion.
Reading all of those negatives almost makes a review in itself, and I like to think of that reviewer as a really crap gamer. Seriously, having to think about slowing down when you come to corner? No ****ing shit. Auto-aim giving you problems? Turn it the hell of.

I don't think I agreeded with any. No, thinking about, the ladder controls are clunky actually.
Many of the comparisons between San Andreas and GTA IV ultimately have San Andreas coming out on top. But I found the content of that game excessive to the point where it became a chore. And actually I'm thrilled about the map being smaller. That was possibly the most excessive of the excessive. I actually prefer the comparisons to GTA III as simplicity worked well for it just like I think it does for IV.
the Niko's Serbian is awful bit ..who the hell cares? they've been butchering spanish in games/movies for decades ..the repetativeness of the game is a little worrying but some of the other issues are minor ..the eating cheeseburgers in SA comparison's not like it made the game any more fun fact I found it mostly annoying
the Niko's Serbian is awful bit ..who the hell cares? they've been butchering spanish in games/movies for decades ..the repetativeness of the game is a little worrying but some of the other issues are minor ..the eating cheeseburgers in SA comparison's not like it made the game any more fun fact I found it mostly annoying

Exactly. Mission structure and basic game flow haven't changed in the series, but this isn't a bad thing. The game has yet to get repetitive for me, 23+ hours into the singleplayer alone.

Rockstar consciously cut the annoying exercise and body image portions from the game because they were detracting from what actually matters in a singleplayer game (character relationships + story). They also reduced the vehicles and weapons to a more realistic set rather than the playground-like set that was in SA.

"It's not like previous GTAs, or most other sequels, where there are new stand-out features that you can easily discuss and rate."

Wtf? Since when are the following not considered new features to be discussed and rated - a turn to realism in car physics, character relationships, combat, and plotline - a highly detailed world and population (euphoria) - and MULTIPLAYER.
I suppose it's good they have an article like this. It doesn't mean I agree with their issues, but it's always nice to have a counter point. I actually like the game better without the working out nonsense and some of the other superfulous features that have been removed. *cough* turf wars *cough*...

The only comments I find remotely gripe-worthy would be the ones related to combat and cover since they are core mechanics. I think the system is very good this time around, but admit it could use a tweak or two. For me though I'm sure the issues, of which I've very rarely encountered, have been due to my inexperience with the PS3 controller and not a flawed system.

All in all, I really don't have a single gripe about the game. Well except this whole work thing getting in the way of playing.

And I fully agree with AmishSlayer, how is multiplayer not a feature "that you can easily discuss and rate?" Give me a break.
The only thing I miss so far from SA is the lack of gangs that you can pick a fight with. There's just some peds who carry guns.
the gangs thing though takes away some of the realism....its annoying in a game like saints row that an infinite amount of gang members all driving the same couple cars will continuously attack you...i like not dealing with them
IF you want gang activity combat you can always break up gang fights I think with the police computer.
How does that work Raz?

Anyway, I said there's no gangs, but earlier I got randomly shot at by a guy with an uzi who got out of a green SUV. Then, the same kind of SUV pulled over and the guy started shooting at me as well.
How does that work Raz?

It's the new form of vigilante mission. You jump in a cop car, get on the car's computer and pick from a few active crimes (I assume they're random).

You can also go after the criminals on the most wanted list :)

I've seen crimes for gang violence, grand theft auto, human trafficking, etc.
Yep, the vigilante missions are quite fun, however i wanted to cause some havoc and had some trouble achieving it:

I used the police computer to find a gang war, and pulled up to find about 5 gang members with guns. Then I wanted to call for police backup (another option in the computer) in the hope that police and criminals would start having a little gunfight.

However I couldn't access the police computer? Pressing left shoulder made me shoot out the window rather than use the computer. How do you access it? Does one have to be still or not in combat (because I am pretty sure I was stationary but still it would only let me shoot)

Loving the game so far though, about 10 hours in