Judging Others


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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People don't seem to like being judged and labeled.

I'd like to know why this is though.

If you think about it, modern civilisation would collapse without others being labled.
If we all were the same, it'd be a Utopian world.
ailevation said:
If we all were the same, it'd be a Utopian world.

I'm speaking of labeling others.

Like calling people "hippies", "politicians", "liars", "thieves", "trouble makers", "fighters", that sort of thing.

Not of the physical and mental differences of people :/
We are all a bunch of stereotypes, aren't we?

Maybe not.
I call people hippies/communists because:

a. I hate them.

b. They are hippies/communists. (In which it can apply to point a)
DreamThrall said:
You forgot "emos"... ha.

And he also forgot rednecks;) .

I for one, after reading those threads about chavs, I like to call dudes at school that I hate chavs. Funny thing is they don't' even know what the hell chav means:LOL: .
when did you get unbanned ^ :p

I suppose Sinkoman has a point - if we weren't able to accuse others of being different we wouldn't have any way to define ourselves, thus making our individual lives totally meaningless. At least if I can define myself as not something, that gives me the ability to give my life some meaning/purpose by striving NOT to be any of those things :)
Redneck said:
And he also forgot rednecks;) .

I for one, after reading those threads about chavs, I like to call dudes at school that I hate chavs. Funny thing is they don't' even know what the hell chav means:LOL: .
LOL, I used to do that with a coworker of mine. We'd walk around grumbling about "those bloody chavs", even though we're both 100% American and have never been anywhere in GB. I think I spend way too much time here.
sinkoman said:
If you think about it, modern civilisation would collapse without others being labled.

elaborate please
Steriotypes will always exist and are a good thing.
You can however hold silly steriotypes (ie. all black people will stab you).

But some negative steriotypes (gangs of homeless people will rob you) are pretty useful.
Yeah, there is no good reason for labeling people. And judging only leads to bad things as well.
JNightshade said:
Yeah, there is no good reason for labeling people. And judging only leads to bad things as well.
Read my post.
Solaris, you're wrong. I mean, yes, it's always important to keep certain things in mind, but there's a difference between common sense and stereotyping. If you're in a bad area, and you see a bunch of homeless people running at you with angry looks on their faces, you'd be an idiot not to run. On the other hand, things like RACIAL stereotypes are completely useless. Give me an example of a 'useful' stereotype, and I promise you I can prove it flawed.

Besides, the entire idea of a 'stereotype' is that it's a sweeping, untrue generalization. I mean, how could that come in handy!?
it's because everybody thinks they are so ****ing special, and unique, and different.

Everybody thinks they are smarter, or faster, or able to kick his or her ass. That they can fix their own computer, or change their own oil. They failed the math test, but only because they didn't feel like trying, or that they totally called that he was going to die in that movie, or that they are a good driver. People give themselves way too much credit, and they believe it.

Nobody likes being told they are stupid, or slow, or that they can't jump that fence, or stfu you don't know how to install sound card drivers, you failed the math test because basic concepts still elude you, and no you can't kick his ass because you're a fat, slow, uncoordinated slob and I’d put money on you having a heart attack just from the anticipation.

People don't like labels because the labels they are given never live up to the labels in their head.
xcellerate said:
it's because everybody thinks they are so ****ing special, and unique, and different.

Everybody thinks they are smarter, or faster, or able to kick his or her ass. That they can fix their own computer, or change their own oil. They failed the math test, but only because they didn't feel like trying, or that they totally called that he was going to die in that movie, or that they are a good driver. People give themselves way too much credit, and they believe it.

Nobody likes being told they are stupid, or slow, or that they can't jump that fence, or stfu you don't know how to install sound card drivers, you failed the math test because basic concepts still allude you, and no you can't kick his ass because you're a fat, slow, uncoordinated slob and I’d put money on you having a heart attack just from the anticipation.

People don't like labels because the labels they are given never live up to the labels in their head.

Qft. Well put.
JNightshade said:
Solaris, you're wrong. I mean, yes, it's always important to keep certain things in mind, but there's a difference between common sense and stereotyping. If you're in a bad area, and you see a bunch of homeless people running at you with angry looks on their faces, you'd be an idiot not to run. On the other hand, things like RACIAL stereotypes are completely useless. Give me an example of a 'useful' stereotype, and I promise you I can prove it flawed.

Besides, the entire idea of a 'stereotype' is that it's a sweeping, untrue generalization. I mean, how could that come in handy!?
It keeps me safe.
You can totally judge someone by the way they look.
Bodylanguage is a good one for starters.
Then theres dress, if I see a chav I sense possible danger. Sure not all chavs are stupidly aggresive but these people are idiots for being dressed the way they are.

There's a branch of psychology I follow called NLP, it contains many beliefs and statements. One of these is "The meaning of the communication is the responce you get". This basically means, that any reaction from something you do/say/wear is your fault, this belief empowers you to change their reaction. It's not always right, but it's useful most of the time to act as if it is. One of these is clothing, I want to put forward an image that will make me look like a nice, positive and confident guy to other people, often strangers. I know if I dress like a chav I'll look like an idiot and people will cross the road to avoid me.

People generally dress becuase they want a reaction, if you don't want to be steriotyped as an emo/arsehole/nazi then don't dress like one. When your walking down the street you have to make fast assumptions, your brain is always evaluating people, looking for a threat, it's helpful.
Bodylanguage and sterotypes are totaly different.
But the thing about sterotypes are that people make them live on, say one black guy, thinks being a gangsta is so damn cool. He goes out to raise some hell. He is the one who gets the attention. Making people belive most black guys are criminals. You know it's not true, but how do you know if the black guy standing next to you are a criminal or not?
It's also about knowledge. You fear what you don't understand.

But telling if a person who seems doped up and smells like urin is a potential threat is just commen sense.
But telling if a person who seems doped up and smells like urin is a potential threat is just commen sense.
It's still a steriotype.

He could be head of the nobel peace commision, and his mother just died and he got knocked out by a liqour bottle on the back of the head and pissed upoun and is now dazed.
please don't turn this into a bunch of 'what if' scenarios. Because there is always an explanation to even the most absurb 'what if'.
xcellerate said:
please don't turn this into a bunch of 'what if' scenarios. Because there is always an explanation to even the most absurb 'what if'.
I'm just pointing out how it's a steriotype.
It's a generalisation: People who smell of Alchohol and urine are dangerous.
Im not saying he is dangerous. But im saying im disgusted by it, and whould consider him a threat or just plain enoying.
Stereotypes are just fine
It's how we use that may or may not be alright
the difference between a stereotype and bigotry, is if society still accepts it or not.
I don't care if people judge me. I see the people who judge me as insecure of themselves.

Judge -
# To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character.

Stereotype -
# A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
Redneck said:
And he also forgot rednecks;) .

I for one, after reading those threads about chavs, I like to call dudes at school that I hate chavs. Funny thing is they don't' even know what the hell chav means:LOL:
God, the most chavtastic chavcicle of a chav walked into the shop where I was working yesterday: Sleevless shirt, tracksuit pants, blue tartan cap and his baby boy called Scot.
ríomhaire said:
God, the most chavtastic chavcicle of a chav walked into the shop where I was working yesterday: Sleevless shirt, tracksuit pants, blue tartan cap and his baby boy called Scot.
That was you?!?!?
The consciousness works like this I believe when labeled, say I called Suzy, nice, superficial, good looking, and bad manners. She would automatically pick out the nice and good looking the rest would kind of fall through to the unconsciousness. If you think about it this kind of makes sense few people are willing to change their ways and view them selves from really one perspective, and the brain is somewhat automatic always looking for ways to link things together;. I hope this makes sense and is fairly accurate.