Jumbo Valandil Update


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
The Valandil team have just released a third update in three days over at the Valandil website. After releasing some sample weapon and character models detailed in an earlier post, the team have released some interesting new screenshots of two early maps in progress.


[br]The screenshot is of Drakir's lovely Towerassault, although are shots of DaZz's Snowhill map, as well as more of Towerassault at the official website.
Expect more sumptuous updates from this modification soon.
This mod is one of the best ive seen.
I normally dont really like adventure games from an early age but atleast this mod really creats his own stuff.

nice to c halflife2.net is the only one covering newer Valandil updated..
keep up the good work..

and Valandil aint an adventure game, u just combine adventure with medieval... its a fighting/war game..
I am getting sick of the same texture used for grass and ground and teh sand, plz any mod out there make new ones!
Yeah!!! I'm still convinced Valandil will be the greatest mod (for me anyways).
this looks very promising. Looks like the bowsman and crossbowsman will be overly powerful because they are the only ranged weaponry. Although as long as they think about it, balancing might not be too dificult
rpgprog said:
this looks very promising. Looks like the bowsman and crossbowsman will be overly powerful because they are the only ranged weaponry. Although as long as they think about it, balancing might not be too dificult
You might be able to block with shields, plus if the mod team applies physics to the arrows then it could be very difficult to actually hit anything with them.
The Mullinator said:
You might be able to block with shields, plus if the mod team applies physics to the arrows then it could be very difficult to actually hit anything with them.
thatst true
The Mullinator said:
You might be able to block with shields, plus if the mod team applies physics to the arrows then it could be very difficult to actually hit anything with them.

Yeah exactly it will most likely have to be arched to hit anything and arcs takes skill, and hopefully they won't make any assisting crosshairs etc, so that you'll have to rely simply on skill and experience.
Cruor said:
Yeah exactly it will most likely have to be arched to hit anything and arcs takes skill, and hopefully they won't make any assisting crosshairs etc, so that you'll have to rely simply on skill and experience.

Remember, they want people to play the mod, and unfortunatly, if they make it too dificult (i.e. no crosshair) people might not play.

Although, I guess even if there is a crosshair, it would not make a difference if you had to arch the shot.
use ure head guys, as bowmen have really existed just look at the reality to make them balanced.
also, a single bowman will not be able to do some serious damage, there should be at least a small group together.
and if ye guys ever played a medieval game there is no crosshair on the bow\crossbow and still its not any difficult, not worse than you manage to hit a basic targets the third time you shoot.