Just a quick one...

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
No cheese on toastr this time kids - this one's a speedy bastard. why on earth, when I go to shut down my computer (yes by selecting turn off from the start menu...) why does it restart!? And why is me Stand By button not available? Hmmm? What?
well system power status is determined by the psu, although its controls are implemented by the case (switches) which could be badly configured or just too old.
Pobz said:
well system power status is determined by the psu, although its controls are implemented by the case (switches) which could be badly configured or just too old.
Neither of those things as the PSU isn't old and I haven't touched any switches or owt...
Try power options in the Control Panel.
Windows XP
And what options specifically?
Cheers foir the help BTW
I've had the same problem and it seems to be motherboard related. I've had some that have don it and some that haven't, but its never been more than a minor annoyance.