Just a request

Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
I find it unbelievable how people can feel ripped off...

Youve paid £12 (well, i did, via steam) for about 5 hours of gameplay. The gameplay being some of the best ive seen in the last 5 - 10 years. The story is great, only if it is little snippets, although its the atmosphere thats truely special. I dont really need to go into all the pros for this game (theyre out there in many other threads)

But please, stop asking for new weapons. Why does the game need them? How would they fit into the story? FINALLY, stop moaning about the length of the game. If you went through it in 2 hours you didnt appreciate it fully. 5 hours, then thats 5 hours of excellence for £12. How can you seriously complain about that? Dont moan that youll end up paying shed loads for all 3 episodes. Its clearly going to be 36 quid for the lot. Thats hardly expensive. I cant be bothered to type anymore. What did you expect? If you wanted anything more than what you got I think youve simply bought into the wrong series. Go for doom instead.
Yeah, I've played for 5 hours and I still have two locked chapters in New Game :p
I couldn't agree more.

People have payed £12 for a superb shooter, and some of them still find the time to moan. Hilarious.
I'm also puzzled how people feel they were ripped off.

I've heard so many people complain about something so trivial as the length that I'm starting to get irritated. If you want a longer game, then just WAIT UNTIL THE OTHER EPISODES ARE RELEASED AND THEN PLAY THEM ALL AT ONCE. It's such a simple solution to the problem. A lot of the people who are against episodic content don't seem to realize that THEY CAN WAIT and play all the episodes together just like they would waiting for a "full" game from any other developer.

And the pricing for each episode is not expensive by any means. In a time when people are willing to pay $400-$600 for a console, complaining about paying $20 for an episode of this quality is really silly.
Getting ripped off would be that VALVe did poor programming, did flat mapping, and did a poor job on models.. Like the $10 shelf at EB Games..Anybody know what I'm talking about?
I will laugh at anyone who whines about the $20 that EP1 costed yet goes out to buy EP2 anyway. Surely if you don't want short games, you won't buy them in the first place. VALVe will never bother to reduce the price as long as you people keep buying their products. I know I'll keep buying.... :)
The first time I completed Episode One I did so in 3 hours, which felt to short. But today I played it again, and whilst playing I checked some new areas and really enjoyed everything I saw. For instance I missed the dropship crashing in The Citadel the first time because I rushed the way through! Yeah, I really didn't notice it! :D

My second attempt was 4.5 hours and I realized that there is nothing to complain about. I think the second and following playthroughs make the HL-games even better, which is a fantastic thing!

Valve has without doubt delivered again!
This game is plenty long for what it is. I was actually rather relieved when the game ended, it was giving me crap and freezing all over the place so I was happy it ended.

Now my only suggestion with Episode 2 is MAKE IT MORE STABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coddeling the game all the way to the end ruined my first playthrough and is ruining my "exploration" runs as well.