Just a thought..


Oct 11, 2004
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But isnt the best part of half-life 2 waiting for it to come out? I mean, most of you wont stop until youve completed it, and then you will be sad because you have waited SO LONG for it to come out, and it is over.
yes, but its not the same the second time. you already know whats going to happen.
no...i'm going with the best part being PLAYING it... maybe just me.
yeh, i guess. But i wil play it the first time on hard, so it lasts longer :D
Half Life 2 is just one big experiance....

Your talking about some sort of dissapointment..

You are right... if HL2 wouldnt be as great as we expectet..

But HL2 Is great... so there wont be anything like a dissapointment...

At least, not for me.. :E
Jangle said:
yeh, i guess. But i wil play it the first time on hard, so it lasts longer :D

there ya go. savor every minute, yeah?
It's like every other game that you like then...Wait so long for it to come out and then it is..Then it's over.
Well, that is exactly the great point of HL2... you wont get the feeling that it is over.... :LOL: HL2 will last forever, just like part 1 did...
Jangle said:
yeh, i guess. But i wil play it the first time on hard, so it lasts longer :D

Haha third to quote, But that is such a good idea, I will be playing for months and months...and even if I beat faster then expected I will still just play CS:S or play it again and again, or Days of Defeat: Source, or I will just be really mad that I'm done...Either wat I can't wait to play
play it on medium first time, then maybe hard, then try and not die through the whole thing, try to complete using manipulator (or pistol before i get the manipulator)... so many ways to see how you can do it...

Jangle said:
But isnt the best part of half-life 2 waiting for it to come out? I mean, most of you wont stop until youve completed it, and then you will be sad because you have waited SO LONG for it to come out, and it is over.
No. And here is why. I dont play games as much as when I was much younger. It takes up alot of time and usually feel like an empty shell after spending hours and hours (and hours) playing. Now I have this new high end rig with great 5.1 sound that I bought just for HL2. All dressed up and nowhere to go. Soooo I bought Halo and beat it and now I bought the "Battlefield" series of games and I almost bought Rainbow six 3: Ravenshield. Ive spent all of this money on these damned games I would have never thought of buying before!
you have waited SO LONG for it to come out, and it is over.

hey man, that's... pretty depressing... =\

i guess i'll play it again tho, then play mods... for over 5 years... again.

^_^ to another 5-6 years of greatness!
I'm playing the Chrono Trigger, A Link to the Past, and Super Mario RPG roms.
yeh, nice one. But on hl2 will the hard setting be impossible or just difficult? cos if it is too hard it takes the fun away from the game
Jangle said:
But isnt the best part of half-life 2 waiting for it to come out? I mean, most of you wont stop until youve completed it, and then you will be sad because you have waited SO LONG for it to come out, and it is over.

I won't (mark my words "won't") try to complete it as fast as possible! If I see something awesome, or kills a combine in any specific way that I just HAVE to try again, then I'll reload the situation - over and over and over! I won't stop doing that until I get tired of it, and then I'll play on! And when I've completed it on Medium, then I'll work my way up to Hard and from thereon I guess it's time for some MP. I'm making a clan, [teh_enemy|otaku] - yes, it's on purpose it's so gay - adn then it's time for some CS SOURCE!
The hard setting better be dang hard. The hard setting in hl1 was too easy, heck i played through a few times in the last couple months; never was killed by a creature (lots of falling deaths though).
DoctorGordon said:
The hard setting better be dang hard. The hard setting in hl1 was too easy, heck i played through a few times in the last couple months; never was killed by a creature (lots of falling deaths though).

I hated the scene where you had to jump from box to box that were hanging from the ceiling...
Jangle said:
yeh, i guess. But i wil play it the first time on hard, so it lasts longer :D
I am going to do the same thing! :thumbs:
Frank said:
I hated the scene where you had to jump from box to box that were hanging from the ceiling...

Well no, i had no skill problem with the jumps. See, i tried to get to alot of weird areas...turns out you couldnt get there, and i fell to a messy, messy doom.
Frank said:
I hated the scene where you had to jump from box to box that were hanging from the ceiling...

Heh, you didn't even need to jump to get from box to box.

Anyways, I am going to take my time playing the game. I plan on just taking my time walking through City 17 at the start, and taking in all the sights.
Mods, replaying SP, more mods, and waiting for HL3.

I'm all set!
I'll probably start on the highest difficulty setting so the Single Player experience will last more longer. I did the same with Doom III and it took me a while to beat it, Half-Life 2 on the highest difficulty setting will probably last me a long time, and then there are the mods...and multi-player.
God, after all this time I have been waiting for it to come out I am going to be taking a loooonngggg time playing it. I want to keep every memory of it :D just like I did with HL1
All i know is i was mad when i finally saw the last matrix, whether u liked it or not, i was waiting till midnight to see all 3 of em and the anticipation of every new trailer taht came out just made it look so much cooler, i enjoyed them all and was sad that there wont be anything but the matrix online to keep it going. but i have played hl for so many years, it gave me more hours of entertainment then any movie ever will, and hl2 will just do the same prolly. but yes anticipation is fun :)
i wll play it hardcore on hard so it lasts longer ... and then , i will play some of the mods ... and wait for HL3 ... but by then ... i'll be in college and this computer will be a piece ... :|
Ya best part will be playing it. Hell no waiting for it was a nightmare.