Just another day at Black Mesa.


Feb 26, 2004
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Chapter 1

The fluorescent lights in the break room flickered momentarily; Caymon closed his eyes to try to shut them out. He had been up for hours the night before making modifications to his HEV suit. The long hours at Black Mesa didn't bother him, it was the isolation. Seeing the same people for hours, days, months on end were starting to get to him.

"I really need to get out of here." He said to himself. He knew the statement was as likely to happen as one of these up tight scientists to stand up and do cartwheels down the hall. To pass time he pulled a small combat knife from his belt and began spinning it on the table.

A gray haired man at the table next to him shot him a dirty look. He laughed as he turned and spoke with his colleges. Caymon sighed; he knew the other members of the staff looked down on what he and Roger did in their studies. Caymon thought back to the first time he and Roger had met. They were both working under Dr. Terry Gause at the time, Dr. Gause was one of the leading members of the staff when the first resonance cascade had occurred. After the event everything changed at Black Mesa; Dr. Gause began working in the private sector, and Roger and himself began studying Vortigant (alien slave) anatomy. It was not until months later that Caymon had gotten an idea when studying the carcass of a Vortigant (alien slave). They were looking at the bracelets and collar the creatures were fitted with, up to this point they were aware of the creature's ability to generate electrical energy and shunt the energy into a concentrated beam. Roger had jokingly said something about fitting a human with the same restraints. Caymon had taken the idea seriously and made a request to the Administrator for a human subject. He seemed very interested in the idea and gave Roger and myself the go ahead on the project.

The first human subject had been very voluntary to the idea of being fitted with the collar. His reaction to the collar and bracelets was at first minimal. The subject had noted that there was some momentary discomfort. Later on as the testing commenced the subject was instructed to attempt to activate the energy accumulation. Up until this point Caymon had theorized that to activate the bracelets one should extend their hands far out to the side. This activates the process, from this point the energy begins to build, this was signified by small electrical tendrils emitted from the body. In the Vortigants (alien slave) case the bioelectrical energy is green, but in test subject # 1 the tendrils were blue. But as the subject began to disperse the bioelectrical energy he began to seize. Shortly after ward the subject went into a coma and eventually passed away. The doctors came to the conclusion that the energy build brought about by the collar drained the subject's bioelectrical energy down to such a low level it resulted in the failure of most of the subject's major organs and eventually his brain.

Despite the failure the Administrator still encouraged the project, his support was all Roger and I needed to continue the experimentations. This failure alone is what brought Roger and Caymon into the other staff's bad graces.

"Speaking of Roger where the hell is he?" He murmured. Hearing this the same gray haired man looked over again. Seeing the mans reaction Caymon spun the knife in a circle and stopped it with the blade pointing at the man. Caymon smirked as the man turned his back looking shocked.

Just as the gray haired man turned Roger passed through the doors of the break room, he weaved in between tables and chairs. As he passed the gray haired man muttered something to his colleges.

"So what's he got up his ass today?" Roger laughed at his own statement as he sat at the table next to me. "Oh you know the usual." Caymon said. Roger laughed as he stood and walked over to the counter. Roger was in his mid thirties, although the environment at Black Mesa had aged him. His hair was short and clean cut when we had first met. But now his hair was fairly long, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was weathered. Caymon imagined that like himself Roger had been up into the morning hours working of his research. "So why did you ask me to meet you this early? You know I have to have my sleep." Caymon laughed as he said this. He was filling his coffee cup. "The reason I asked you to meet me this early is I was up last night, and I came up with something. Ok you remember when subject one passed last month?"
"Yeah, what about him"?
"Well the doctors said that the reason he died was because when the collar began building the energy it drained his body of most of its bioelectrical energy. So I was thinking why can't we mount the bracelets and collar when a subject is in a HEV suit."

Roger stopped what he was doing. "I see that way the collar would drain the suits energy as opposed to the human host." The coffee overflowed the cup and spilled onto his hands. "Ow! Shit!" He yelled. Almost everyone sitting in the room turned to look at him. Roger went red in the face. After a moment or so everyone went back to what they were doing.

Roger sat at the table. He seemed to slink into his chair. "So have you spoken to the Administrator about this?"

"I've already talked it over with him." Caymon took a sip of his coffee gauging Rogers reaction.

"So when do we begin testing?

"I started working on my HEV suit yesterday."

"Well ok then lets get to work." He stood up from the table and began walking toward the exit.

Caymon stood and followed. They weaved through the chairs and tables until they reached the door.

"Wait." Roger said as we paced down the hall. "Did you say you started working on YOUR HEV suit?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to have any more mistakes like the last one. "So come on lets get to the lab already. As Caymon paced down the hall Roger fell behind then caught up.

"Ok I hope you know what you're doing."


Well that is what I have so far, I'm working on chapter 2 give me some feedback i you would like to see this story continue. Thanks.
:thumbs: Very good story so far. I particularly like how you've intertwined a resonance cascade from before Half-Life, and experiments with the Vortigaunt shock-collars (as I like to call them :)).

I only have a couple of gripes with the story:
First, paragraph the conversations more, it's odd to have two or three people speaking in the same paragraph.
Second, don't put "(alien slave)" after every mention of Vortigaunt, we already know what they are :LOL:
Third, I'm pretty sure the Vortigaunt bracelets and collar are actually used to enslave them, not to give them their electric powers. But I'll let it slide on the off chance that you can edge that fact into upcoming chapters ;), I've got a good idea of how to do that already.

Otherwise, very good stuff, I look forward to the next chapter!
Thanks for the reply I had written this story about 4 months ago was bored so I posted I'll scan other chapters better to check for grammer, etc.<------Big run on I know. With that in mind thanks for the reply and I'll keep writing if you keep reading.
Chapter 2

The following day seemed only to drag by. Caymon stood over his HEV suit as he strenuously worked at a bundle of wire. A sound to his left drew his attention. Roger came pacing into the room through the automated doors.

"Are you still working on that thing?" He asked. Caymon noticed that he was holding a file folder in his hand. It drew his attention; he needed something to take his mind off of this damn HEV suit.

"What do you have there Roger?" Caymon stood, walked over to where Roger was standing, his HEV suit still smoking in the background.

"What I'm holding here my pedigree chum is something that will give us some idea of what the sectors in this complex are working on." This statement spiked Caymon's interest.

"So what all do we have here? All I see is a large stack of paperwork." Caymon came closer as Roger pulled a bundle of CDs from his lab coat.

"These are videotaped lab experiments."

"Why on earth did you ask for these?" Caymon asked his interest turned to confusion.

"That's the strange thing, the G-Man gave them to me. He said that they might help to, what was it? Inspire our research." Roger looked just as confused as Caymon did.

"Well let's see what is so particularly inspirational about then." Caymon walked over to his desk and turned on his computer. "So how are things going with the suit?" Roger seemed almost set back while he asked the question. "They are going ok I guess. Whenever I try to attach the bracelets and collar to the ports I made the things cause the suit to vent all of its energy. You should have been here earlier I got the shit shocked out of me, damn suit vented and almost got my head taken off by the bolt." Caymon pointed to the ceiling. As Roger looked up there was a large scorch mark in the ceiling. Roger chuckled a bit. "Hey can I ask you something?" Roger asked as he took the CD from its casing. "Shoot." Caymon said as he took the disk from him. "Well I've been thinking, would it be ok if I started work on another project? I mean would still be your partner and all but I just think it would be more productive if we could work on two things at once, you know." Roger took a seat beside Caymon.

"Yeah that would be fine." Caymon replied. He pulled up a program on the computer and the CD began to play. To get a better view Caymon switched off the overhead light. The room went dark as the still computer screen came to life.

The camera swiveled back and forth and a pair of hands steadied it. A man in a white lab coat stepped in front of the camera. Caymon and Roger both squinted to make out a face. They both recognized immediately , it was Dr. Gause.

Dr. Gause cleared his throat. "This is test 34, we are adjusting the magnitude on the particle teleporter, as of recent we have come to the realization that the when adjusting the machines magnitude we can effect the location of the subject when teleporting. In this case we are sending a group of scientists and one security guard to the border world that the scientists have now named Xen."

The camera panned to show four figures in HEV suits, the scientists were holding equipment where the security guard was holding when Caymon noticed right away as an assault rifle.

"I didn't know we kept that kind of fire power in the facility." Roger said. "Well I guess......" Dr. Guase's voice interrupted Caymon's sentence.

"According to most of our recent explorations of Xen we have come to the conclusion that the species that take residence there are of no harm to us unless we present a threat to them." Caymon and Roger both nodded in realization.

"Is your team ready Dr. Tharp?" The man in the HEV suit up front gave the thumbs up. Dr. Gause began to punch figures into a keyboard; there was a purr of machinery being warmed up. Dr. Gause spoke into a microphone. "We will commence teleportation in five, four, three, two, one." There was a blinding green light and the team was gone. "The team has just been sent to a remote location to gather some of the lesser life forms, I believe the sector is calling them 'Headcrabs'. These creatures seem to be of parasitic nature. During the first resonance cascade a member of the science team was attacked and killed by one of these creatures. After the creatures removal an autopsy was conducted and the results were amazing. The Headcrab creature had began to change it's hosts physical appearance and biological make up. Unfortunately the creature was removed before it could fully change its hosts composition. The main goal of today's expedition is to gather the species for further testing." Dr. Gause began typing at the keyboard again. "I am now reopening the portal, the team has had more than enough time." Dr. Gause pressed one final button to set the process into action, once again a bright green light filled the room. A lone figure stepped through the portal, it took Caymon and Roger a minute to realize that the figure did not step through but fell through. The figure fell to the floor, then through the portal came what looked like to be a swarm of bees or hornets. The tiny creatures filled the small room, Dr. Gause's gasp could be heard over the loud buzzing of the creatures. Dr' Gause yelled; "Computer activate vents!" A pair of vents in the ceiling opened and began to suck all the creatures out of the air. After the room was clean Dr. Gause rushed over to the now flailing body on the floor. He began to fill a syringe with what Roger and Caymon guessed to be some kind of sedative. He administered the medicine to the man. The camera zoomed in on the two men on the floor. From the cameras vantage point they could see the man's HEV suit riddled with holes, they could see his clothes under the suit. His skin was swelling and the swelling appeared to be increasing each moment. Dr. Guase yelled for help. He held the man closer in his arms, it appeared the man was speaking to Dr. Gause. From the looks of it they guessed it was a very painful state in which the man was in.. Blood trickled down the man's chin. As he whispered to Dr. Guase the camera zoomed even more you could barley hear what the man was saying. But as it got closer Caymon and Roger both heard the man clearly: "Were not prepared." The man then went limp in the Dr.'s arms.
*clap clap clap clap*

Brilliant work FEED ME MORE!!!!!! * falls over, wheezing folornly*
WOW!!! I'm hooked.... give us more please! I love the references to all the aliens!
Chapter 3

Even with the solilary of the lab Caymon couldn't seem to get anything done. He kept thinking about the video footage and the whereabouts of Dr. Gause.

He sat at his desk ready to begin work again on his HEV suit, as he was situationg himself the door to the lab hissed open. Caymon spun in his seat to see who was entering assuming it was Roger Caymon began to speak.

"Where the hell have you bee....." Caymon stopped his sentence when he stared into the face of the G-Man.

"Ah Mr. Haynesss hard at work I ssssee." Caymon began to stand as the G-Man disdainfuly straightened his tie. "No Mr. Haynesss you have earned the rest."

"Rest? My work hasn't been mounting to anything." Caymon stood anyways being in the G-Mans presence always made him uncomfortable.

"You have come a long way sssince test ssubject one. We have been watching you and are pleassed with your progressss." The G-Man sat his breifcase on the desk and opened it wide. "I have arranged a meeting for you with your old mentor Dr. Gausssse."

This spiked a sudden intrest in Caymon. Ever since the first cascade Dr. Gause had been in high clearance area. He and quite a few of the founding scientists had all been moved to high clearance sectors to begin work on new and more classified projects.

As the G-Man pulled something from his breifcase Caymon began approaching him to meet him halfway.

"I have granted you level three clearance for tomorrow only. Dr. Gaussse will meet you in the main area where you will discussss the basicsss of your project and see if he can help you ressolve any of your current problemssss. He will then take you on a tour of the facility to ssee what they work on there, thisss hold no realavance but we believe you may benefit form the tour."

The G-Man handed Caymon a security pass closed his briefcase and left the room. "It wouldn’t surprise me if he has all of this in his day planner." Caymon chuckled as he put the pass into his breast pocket.
/me applauds :cheese:

Great story so far! One thing, I assume it's set before 'the incident' and the subsequent nuking, but you refer to 'the first resonance cascade'. Could I ask whether you mean there was a minor cascade (minimal damage) or a major one that was cleaned up? If you haven't decided or the infos still to come, it doesn't matter. I'm just curious. :)
I love this forum. I havn't posted much but Keep up the good work Its not only the posters that are reading :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I love this forum. I havn't posted much but Keep up the good work Its not only the posters that are reading :)

Yes i agree, keep up the good work...i cant wait for the next chapter.