Just bought a Game Cube...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Yes...after years of denying this system and saying how much it blows..I hadda buy it. Along with it I bought an allstar line up:

Mario Party 5
Mario Party 6
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Zelda: The Windwaker
Super Mario Sunshine

Another factor that played into this was the next Legend of Zelda coming out, which looks rediculously good.

A question for the general public: what other GC games do you recommend?
Resident Evil 4, I got it yesterday and I've enjoyed it thoroughly so far.

I remember you had some sort of obsession with FF7, so I'll recommend Tales of Symphonia or Baiten Kaitos. You might also enjoy Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.

Now, if there's one person to ask, it's Warbie. Everytime one of these threads pops up the neural implants go off.
venturon said:
Resident Evil 4

Good God yes. Resident Evil 4. Buy it now, buy it often.

Best game I've played since HL2 to be perfectly honest.
Yeah i'm thinking about getting Resident Evil 4, is really as action-packed and fun as people say?
Sparta said:
Yeah i'm thinking about getting Resident Evil 4, is really as action-packed and fun as people say?

It's probably the one GC game I own that I'd never consider trading in. Well, that and Super Smash.
Star Fox Adventures
Luigi's Mansion

I loved those two games. Some people don't but I did. You can get them for under $20 now so it's worth checking out.
Damn thanks for all the help guys. What do you say to Metroid Prime 1 and 2 as well?
ShinRa said:
Damn thanks for all the help guys. What do you say to Metroid Prime 1 and 2 as well?

To tell you the truth I didn't like Metroid Prime all that much but LOTS of people really loved it. Definitely get Res4 before Metroid Prime though.
ShinRa said:
Damn thanks for all the help guys. What do you say to Metroid Prime 1 and 2 as well?

Those games are both pretty good, I would recommend you get the first one, I found better than the second one.
ShinRa said:
Damn thanks for all the help guys. What do you say to Metroid Prime 1 and 2 as well?
IMO those are the best two games for Gamecube. Gameplay can be compared to Zelda with a darker setting and no overworld. So if you like the dungeons of Zelda you will love those both games...Kind of nonlinear gameplay, exploring the world, more adventure than FPS...

BTW: Metroid Prime is the 4th best rated game off all times...very close to Zelda - Ocarina of Time...
If you like survival horror at all then you need to play Eternal Darkness.
WhiteZero said:
If you like survival horror at all then you need to play Eternal Darkness.
I LOVED that game!! Didnt get as much hype as it should have imo. Also, get the Zelda collection thing, I forget what its called, all the Zelda's (minus the GB/GBA games) on one disc. You got SSBM, so I guess you like multiplayer which means...buy Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Pikmin 1/2 are pretty innovative games, but pretty short. Damn, I need to get me some more GC games.

EDIT: I might get Windwaker and Resi 4 myself now. One or the other.
Get get get get get Metroid Prime!
It's a must-own!
If you can get both!
And buy Pikmin and Mario Kart : Double Dash.
SimonomiS said:
EDIT: I might get Windwaker and Resi 4 myself now. One or the other.

Just get both, they're great. Shinra, you should definately get both the Metroid Prime games.
venturon said:
Now, if there's one person to ask, it's Warbie. Everytime one of these threads pops up the neural implants go off.

lol :)

Other than the titles you own:

Definately get Resident Evil 4 ....... a complete classic, and the best game I've played in years. More action, less scares - yet still feels very 'Resident Evil'. I'm a big fan of the series, but was begining to tire of the rehashes. Resident Evil 4 changes all this. Stunning :)

Metroid Prime 1 & 2, imo, are fantastic. You'll either love them or hate them. Don't expect all out action (this is not a fps) Do expect more atmosphere than you could shake a stick at and some of the most creative audio and visuals seen in a video game. The most 'believable' alien gameworld i've experienced. One for the explorer in all of us.

I see you have some Mario Party games. In that case definately check out Super Monkey Ball - seriously good game, and now very cheap. It's probably my most played title on the gc - single player is extremely fun/challenging/rewarding and it excels as a party game. (the sequal is more multiplayer focussed, but suffers from poor single player - so it's the original all the way)

Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 - Refreshingly new, yet comfortably familiar. 'New old skool' - and a must for anyone who used to pump coin after coin into the arcades as a kid. They're proof that 2d is far from dead, and some of the best games around.

Zelda 4 Swords - if you have access to the GBA's and link up cables then you're in for what could be possibly the most enjoyable multiplayer, '4 mates in the same room', gaming experience ever. (2nd hand GBAs are going for a tenner in a shop near me - it's so good tha buying four of them to just play this title with friends was a complete bargain)

Mario Golf - not as good as the N64 classic, but still great fun. My most played party game infact.

F-Zero - so fast, so good. Puts every incarnation of Wipeout to shame. If you're a futuristic racing speed junky then this is a must.

Tales of Symphonia. The GC is starved of decent RPGs, all except this one. Very traditional rpg stuff, and a top game. Certainly one of the most enjoyable rpgs of this generation

Paper Mario 2. Any Nintendo fan should own this. Lovely, lovely game :)

These are the basics imo - there's plenty of others that are well worth checking out.


Hope you're enjoying Wind Waker. It may not be the classic that OoT was - but it's still one greatest adventure games to come out in recent years (certainly of this generation) I'm playing through it again as I type in prepartion for the new Zelda :)
Damn, I wish I had more money. None of them are brand new right? Should be able to find em second hand.
Resident Evil 4 and Mario Party 6 were released on the 18th of March in the UK, so yes, some are brand new.
If you're looking for a great game in an old school sort of way, pick up a used copy of Viewtiful Joe. I got one used for $15.00. I just started playing it and I love it. Great change of pace from other games.
Yeah, I got myself a used copy of Joe too. Was never able to beat it on "Adult" though. :D
Direwolf said:
Yeah, I got myself a used copy of Joe too. Was never able to beat it on "Adult" though. :D

Tough, tough effing game that's for sure. Wish all games were that challenging.
GOOD CHOICE! You won't be disappointed. As for games:

Tales of Symphonia (EXCELLENT RPG with amazing replayability)
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (both titles are really good, probably two of my favorite games to play of all times)
Resident Evil 4 (must-have, amazing game)
Soul Calibur II (has Link, and if you don't already have the game for another system, it's a fine game)
Mario Kart: Double Dash (this game is really addicting, and it's great for a break from monster killing in RE4)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (great and beautiful-looking remake of the original PS1 MGS)
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series (pretty sweet game, had me playing for a long time)

I hope you enjoy the system as much as you should. I've really had a blast playing all of those games. :dork:
Yea I feel so behind the times lol. I already pre-ordered the next Zelda thats due out. And due to all your opinions I've gone with:

Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Super Monkey Ball
and Tales of Symphonia


Wasnt there some other Mario game that came out? Like not mario kart but double something? Not paper mario 2...i might be hallucinating. i thought mario had some kinda new partyish game that came out....::shrugs::
My gamecube currently has about half an inch of dust on it and has not been used in about a year. Im going to have to buy a portable vacuum cleaner when i get the new zelda game.
ShinRa said:
Yea I feel so behind the times lol. I already pre-ordered the next Zelda thats due out. And due to all your opinions I've gone with:

Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Super Monkey Ball
and Tales of Symphonia


Good choice :) (maybe try Metroid Prime before you buy them both though)
Sainku said:
My gamecube currently has about half an inch of dust on it and has not been used in about a year. Im going to have to buy a portable vacuum cleaner when i get the new zelda game.

Why have you not been playing any of the games mentioned in this thread?

My GC gets constant use - it's the PS2 and Xbox that gathers dust.
Not sure how easy it is to get now but the Zelda Collectors Edition is good, OoT, MM and the first 2 Zeldas.
Yeah, I don't get too much enjoyment out of them either. I'd rather break out Double Dash or something for a party.
Resi Evil 4 is amazing...viewtiful joe, f-zero x and 1080 are also fun to play...eternal darkness is cool, metroid prime is poo, sorry, just didnt like it
Metroid is one of those games... even if you don't like the gameplay, you have to respect the craft that went into it. It represents an incredible amount of artistry.
If you have an EDTV or HDTV, order the component cables off of ebay. I just got them, and Progressive Scan mode is utterly amazing. When both GC and Xbox are put in Progressive Scan mode, the GC blows the Xbox back into the green crater from whence it came.
Well I've been playin Smash bros melee alot so far, its only me by myself and im having a blast. it must be amazing with 3 of my buddies. Mario party 6 so far im dissapointed. the minigames (most of them) suck. which mario party for the gc is the best in ur opinion? ill return this one and get whichever ones is best. (gotta have at least one mario party).
Only the first couple of Mario Partys got good reviews then they each got progressively worse scores as i recall...if you're looking for a good solid multiplayer game look no further than Timesplitters 2 or Timesplitters : Future Perfect, the sort of games you could stay up all night playing with mates
I recommend Burnout 2.

(will burnout 3 ever be released on GC?)

edit: cool I just noticed I'm an ant lion now :)
If you liked Wave Race 64, get Wave Race: Blue Storm. If you haven't ever tried Wave Race 64, just buy Wave Race:Blue Storm anyway. I love it.
StardogChampion said:
Thinking about the GC makes me wanna go play Wind Waker again...

Im gonna go buy that soon. I've heard its pretty short though. :(