Just bought a new camera...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Put the order in today. Got it and a 4 gig stick. Here is the camera...



So, do you guys think thats an improvment from my Olympus Camdeda D-595?
Indeed, lol.

That seems rather pointless.

I have no idea how good it's functionality is however.
You could fold it in to protect it when it isn't in use. You could take a picture of yourself. You could hold it up high to take a picture over a crowd and turn the screen down to see what you are taking. (It's on a hinge and it rotates)

Nice camera. :D
Dude thats sick. I like it a lot. Now you just need to post some awesome pics.
Why....does the screen fold?

If you're taking a pictuer of yourself, you can spin the LCD around to see what you are going to snap...instead of the shitty guesswork.

But yeah, looks like a great camera, and takes 640x480 video..so that's why I bought the 4 gig stick :P
Very nice, reminds me of the Canon Ixus I once had. Good cameras, very well built and solid (but heavy). I like Canon cameras.

As a dodgy russian once said:

"Heavy is good. Heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work, you can always hit him with it."
Pictures of yourself? Now I've heard everything! D:

You're just lucky that Angry Lawyer isn't on watch tonight.

Wait, HE IS?!!?
Pictures of yourself? Now I've heard everything! D:

You're just lucky that Angry Lawyer isn't on watch tonight.

Wait, HE IS?!!?


But yeah, this camera seems awesome. I can't wait to receive it. Should be here either Thursday or Friday. Put the order in at 8:30 AM. So I'm guessing it will go out tomarrow, and then be here Friday. HOPEFULLY for the weekend and Christmas.
I'd like a new camera. If I goto Hong Kong again soon I will purchase a one!

My last camera was actually cheaper, including the flight.

A few payrises first though.
oooo fancy.

Makes mine look like hell though

Sweet camera, im thinking of either buying one like yours or just borrow one from my dad in order to complete my lego movie!
Lego movies ftmfw. I remember making a Starship Troopers-influenced movie and it was AWESOME. Space battles + Underground bugs = Awards.
Take some nekkid piccies and post them in the picture thread plz.
Steven already beat cyberpitz to it :P

I've beaten Steven to it though :P I think the thread was deletzored back in the day....oh well, I'll post one of ME..but sorry, gotta keep it PG-13


Great, he's got a new camera......ya'll know this means more Goatse right?
It signifies my descent into madness after staring into the unblinking black hole of an eye that is goatse..:p
It signifies my descent into madness after staring into the unblinking black hole of an eye that is goatse..:p

It's more... red D:

Send me your old camera pitz. I'll give you three dollars and 86 cents for it.
Received my camera, and it's F'ing GREAT! I'm in love. It's got a setting for panoramic views, and I was just playing with it free hand, so it's not the best looking, but you get the idea with it...

I'm loving the 33 minutes of 640 x 480 video, and the 1880 pictures of the 3264x2448 res :D
OK, I uploaded the video to youtube, but youtube for some reason made the audio/video unsync...weird.

I have been taking pictures alot at work. This thing even has a continuous picture taking mode...awesome.
Just got done taking my first Panoramic picture with a tripod. I must say, I can't really tell where the lines are! The program that stitches the photos together does really well!
