Just came through a storm...


Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
We just caught the EDGE of it and it was like a damn monsoon.
You know it's bad that it's raining so hard that i'm soaked to the bone and it's coming down so hard and fast that it hurts to be out there.

But good god....was it awesome
i can still see the lightning hear the thunder......Simply AMAZING....
The streets?
There were no streets.
There was(and still is) nothing but water
I'm still soaked from an hour ago(and i'm inside with the heat on)


Awesome Storms
Rain so bad that it makes you say "Oh sh-"

P.S Sorry for the ? in the title
Kenji, you must live pretty close, the storm just now passed me. It was freeking awesome. Best storm I've seen in awhile. I actually went outside on my porch and watched it for awhile. Scared my cats half to death.....
It's hell in perth atm, thunder and lightning...but i'm still on the pc lol my roomates' gonna kill me if i die
Kenji, you must live pretty close, the storm just now passed me. It was freeking awesome. Best storm I've seen in awhile. I actually went outside on my porch and watched it for awhile. Scared my cats half to death.....

Where are you?
I'm in indiana near Indianpolis

And heh heh....MY cat fell out the window XD(broken screen we were gonna replace on the weekend)
^A little bit west of Fort Wayne...About a 2 hour drive north of Indy...Still raining like a bitch up here...^
That's the storm that barely missed us.

TBH, you don't know a storm until you have a person driving in front of you not even 10 feet...and you can't see his brake lights.

THOSE are some ****ing epic storms.
That's the storm that barely missed us.

TBH, you don't know a storm until you have a person driving in front of you not even 10 feet...and you can't see his brake lights.

THOSE are some ****ing epic storms.

I loved driving on the highway at 30 miles an hour in that kind of rain. ****ing florida.
Just came through a storm? You should have alerted that tornado J/O guy.
there's a big thunderstorm brewing here in VA should be here in a few hours.

I love it. fresh crisp cool air, and awe

i just hate when my power goes out. I do have battery backup on my PC though. :>
How the hell can you like a storm?
Sure they're cool to watch, but to actually be in a potentially life-threatening storm is not fun.

When I was down in Florida for a vacation with my girl maybe 3 years ago, I had a damn close call with a brutal hurricane that flipped my car with me and her inside of it.
I only got a bruised arm and a few scratches, she was unscathed... but it was the scariest ****ing moment in my life.
Storm was meh. Passed in a couple minutes.
I love storms, although the kind you get in England are hardly comparable to those you sometimes get in the states.

One of my most enjoyable memories was one time in the middle of summer a good few years back, when my old dog was still alive. I was chatting to a friend online in the middle of the day, having a lazy time of things, when I finally noticed that the room had grown much darker than it had been half an hour previous. I took a look out the window and saw that the sky was brown - no other colour could better describe it - yet the heat and humidity of the summer were still through the roof.

Sensing that the sky was going to do something epic, I gave my dog a shout and saw him go rigid with disbelief and happiness as he always did when I suggested a walk. Still in just my shorts and t-shirt, I stuck his leash on him and took him out for a bit of a toddle in the vague direction of a wide area of flat grassland that I knew. Within about 10 minutes of us walking, the sky opened like a megabitch. There were those big, fat, warm kind of droplets that come down so heavy it's hard to keep your eyes open, with thunder trundling around in the background and lots of vague lightning flashes. I got soaked to the skin within a few seconds, which wasn't surprising since I only had 1 layer of cotton on, and my dog despite trying to skulk in the overhang of bushes and trees along the way fared no better. He loved it though, despite acting all pissed off and betrayed at first, especially when I got him to run through the deluge with me, splashing through puddles and stuff. If it was a segment of a music video it would have been the gayest thing ever. Good times. Rainstorms are ace.
Once had lightning go through our flat in Malaysia, from the balcony through the room, into the kitchen and out the window(s). Both my mum and I saw the 'bolt'. We WERE about 30 floors up mind you, so as unrealistic as it sounds, it DID happen.

African storms are the best for me, theyre just so dominating. Big storms, especially equitoral ones, can shake the foundations of your house with each thunder boom, and the lightning is spectacular, sometimes looking like bombs are going off in the distance in rapid succession.
I love when the thunder is EXTREMELY ****ING LOUD and near-by. BOOOOM MOTHER****ERS! YOUR LIFE COULD END ANY SECOND! It's a very humbling experience. i ****ing love it

pure awesome.

oh and 32%@#%#$******** ******* ************** *** ************* this forum is sissy
Storms running around me right now. Prepare east coast!
That's the storm that barely missed us.

TBH, you don't know a storm until you have a person driving in front of you not even 10 feet...and you can't see his brake lights.

THOSE are some ****ing epic storms.

No, not even that, you can feel the car being pulled off to the side, and you hear a slight rumbling sound, and get the feeling you're weightless. THAT is a storm.

(You just got sideswiped by a tornado.)

Storms: Tornado or gtfo.