Just Cause Demo


Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
The demo has been out since about August 24th, has anyone actually tried it yet? I'm downloading now.

Links for anyone else who hasn't downloaded it yet:
Official Site

Says there's 4 missions that are playable. Not sure if the demo has been posted here yet, I searched but came with no results.
Gonna try it on my better computer now, it wasn't that fun gameplay wise before, I'll see if better gfx will make a diff
I played it on my xbox360 a month or so ago - it's fun but the driving models are pretty poor. I loved the water effects though, the way the sea moves and reflects stuff but at the same time you can see through to the ocean floor beneath too, and all the coral etc. Looks so gorgeous.
There was a pretty large thread about the game around the time the demo was released. Unfortunately, the search feature is being a bitch and refuses to look for it. Ah ha, I thought Stern had posted it.

To sum it up though, it's a very derivitive game. The vehicles are crap, mainly down to the attrocious handeling and control scheme. The hero sucks up bullets like they're candy and missions have an annoying tendency to end for no apparent reason.

It's a shame, because the idea and scope seems good, it's just VERY poorly executed.

If you've got a 360 you might want to consider Saints Row. If you're on PC like me, you'll probably just have to wait for GTA 4.
wow, i've been getting a steady 3500kb/sec from filefront, it's been about 45 seconds and i'm already at 181mb

...and finished in like 3 minutes, hell yea filefront.



Take heed though, don't judge the game from the demo, as I said, it's better to surf to say the Just Cause 360 GameSpot forums and read a few of the fan reviews avaible there, most of'em state that alot of the demo has been heavily improved upon, such as vehicle handling, health etc.:)
Take heed though, don't judge the game from the demo, as I said, it's better to surf to say the Just Cause 360 GameSpot forums and read a few of the fan reviews avaible there, most of'em state that alot of the demo has been heavily improved upon, such as vehicle handling, health etc.:)

What have they changed about the health? More or less?
Less, it's apparently quite a bit easier to die and the enemies are quite a bit stronger, AND enemies don't rush at you all the time etc from what I've gathered.:)
I haven't beaten it yet, but I like it. My only problem is that the bad guys just come out of nowhere. Which TOTALLY ruins the game for me. It's so retarded when you kill everybody and only have the one big bad guy left, but dudes just keep magically appearing behind you. If the game makers wanted it to be hard to get to him, then make A LOT of guys to begin with, don't just have them spawn over and over again!!
xcellerate, notice what I wrote earlier though, in the full version the enemies don't respawn and flood you in the same way as they do in the demo.:)
If you get the chance, take a chopper up really high then jump out.


It's quite peaceful on the way down! Not very spectacular when you land though...