Just finished HL2. I want my $$$ back!

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Man, as good as the game looked and played.....and I had a blast playing it, it wasn't half as good as the first HL. It wasn't even as long as the first HL. Oh well, what can you do. I figured I would come here and rant about it a bit so I wouldn't feel so bad for buying this game.

And I really don't think it was worth ALL the trouble getting it to work in the first place. Oh well, Doom 3 here I come! :p
Good for you :D

When the doom 3 community essentialy goes flat(which it will) and there is nothing new coming out for it you can still stay there :p

Whatever you thought of the game there will be some kind of mod that you will like and start playing.
^Ben said:
Whatever you thought of the game there will be some kind of mod that you will like and start playing.

I was thinking that too, untill I found out how great America's Army.

If AA was on the Source engine it would be the best game ever. :eek:
Well it is your opinion and thats fine. I happen to think that the second one was a lot better. Have fun playing DOOM 3, i did. :)
Well, I just got done with your mom, and she wasnt that great, I want my money back! oOoOoOoOoOoOo

I'm bored... :(
Im tired of these idiots

If every person who liked HL2 would have created a thread, we'd have to close the forum because the servers would burn
Let's all go play some Donkey Konga!
Fixxxer said:
Man, as good as the game looked and played.....and I had a blast playing it, it wasn't half as good as the first HL. It wasn't even as long as the first HL. Oh well, what can you do. I figured I would come here and rant about it a bit so I wouldn't feel so bad for buying this game.

And I really don't think it was worth ALL the trouble getting it to work in the first place. Oh well, Doom 3 here I come! :p

If any of this is true, then i dont think you even played HL2. But if you somehow did and came up with this garbage, then you must have played it on easy and ran through it.

of course this is your opinion...and i think it sucks! <----my opinion.
This is just asking to be flamed. Get out before we post up your bullshit on CNN.com.
enjoy playing a monotonous game!! We'll have fun with the many many mods comming out for HL2 and you'll be stuck with "The Grabber"! Njoi!

Isn't the word monotonous funny. All the o's....its repeditive....aahhh nevermind
I have to say I'm not much of a Gamer but, I really enjoyed playing HL2 my only gripe is it could have been longer. I'm ready for HL3. :thumbs:
Jackathan said:
Well, I just got done with your mom, and she wasnt that great, I want my money back! oOoOoOoOoOoOo

I'm bored... :(
he didnt use search...
Doom 3? Pile of shit lol

Im guessing the idiot didnt know there was Counter Strike Source or HL2 Death Match in his team account.

Cause the way hes acting. He knows f*ck all. He should have knew that the longitivety mostly cones from multiplayer games.
Playing multiplayer games 24/7 is for morons who are too afraid or incompetent to go outside and make real friends, deal with real people, and do real things. They have to hide behind a computer screen and make up bullshit about their lives they only wish could be true. Have fun in your little alien gibbing world where you might actually mean something to the other nerdlingers who are just like you, because in the real world, we are all laughing at you. Perhaps this continent needs a month long power outage to unplug you all from your computer chair's.

For all you shit disturbers who just took my original post and twisted it to make it sound like I hated the game....GET STUFFED.....I enjoyed the game very much, I just wish it would have been longer, and without so many bugs.

This rant was only directed towards the assholes who posted here. Anybody else who took my original statment for what it was and made no stupid comment like "shut up"..... :cheers:
Do you people post such things to piss us off? Or because you think your so cool everyone needs to feel like shit because they can't go to your house and tell you to shut the hell up before you get beat in with a golf club. Hot DAMN!

Your a fag.

BTW Doom 3 sucks, I've played it and it's only good for like an hour then it just starts pissing you off. You have absolutely no taste in games.
Too easy! I'm outta here! I bet there are still gonna be a hundred posts or so, even though i'm not gonna read them! Enjoy fackers!
Fixxxer said:
Playing multiplayer games 24/7 is for morons who are too afraid or incompetent to go outside and make real friends, deal with real people, and do real things.

Well yeah, I think most people would agree, what's your point? Just because we like multiplayer games doesn't mean we play them 24/7 or don't have a social life. Lose the superiority complex.
Fixxxer said:
Playing multiplayer games 24/7 is for morons who are too afraid or incompetent to go outside and make real friends, deal with real people, and do real things. They have to hide behind a computer screen and make up bullshit about their lives they only wish could be true. Have fun in your little alien gibbing world where you might actually mean something to the other nerdlingers who are just like you, because in the real world, we are all laughing at you. Perhaps this continent needs a month long power outage to unplug you all from your computer chair's.

For all you shit disturbers who just took my original post and twisted it to make it sound like I hated the game....GET STUFFED.....I enjoyed the game very much, I just wish it would have been longer, and without so many bugs.

This rant was only directed towards the assholes who posted here. Anybody else who took my original statment for what it was and made no stupid comment like "shut up"..... :cheers:

Having a "life", as you so elequently put it is just an excuse NOT to use computer and not to experience the stuff you can with them. Having a "life" is for morons who are too stupid to ever use a computer or real life for that matter, people who only drink every weekend "to get away from it all". You hide behind your insults and your egos thinking that you are better than everyone else, when you are infact not. Have fun in your real life world where you meet other losers who think like you, so that you don't feel threatend from people who are more smart than you.
This was the straw that broke the camels back. I hate people like you, people who think that they are better than others for no reason at all.
Good thing he's right! *laff* I mean, I Play multiplayer games alot, and...well, I've got a life, and a job to boot! I'm sure he is just hitting puberty and is kinda getting angry with all these changes happening. how about this thread gets closed and this clown be forgotten!
Sometimes, it's a good thing I'm not a moderator. I have too short of a fuse.
Fixxxer said:
Being as computer savvy as I am,I'm drawn to games which reflect that fact. Doom 3 here I come! :p

Will doom3 run on a pentium 4 athlon?
You're the nerd that took the time to sign up here to complain. That sounds like less of a life than constructively chatting about a HOBBY. Gaming is a hobby, not a life choice. And the people who do make it a life are the ones who are on EQ :D.
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