Just finished HL2

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
And just like what everyone said, the ending sucked plus confusing. I'm wonding if City-17 along with Citadel got blowned into pieces, and what happened to Breen? Did he teleported into the combine world or no?
My guess is the citadel collapsed but did minimal damage beacause if it collapsed much of it would have fallen in the huge pit that surrounds it.
I don't know why you would say it sucked...sure it was a cliffhanger, but hell it was more intuitive and orginal than "hero saves the day and live hapily ever after" It makes me want half life 3 NOW! yet I could play HL2 over and over til it comes
Artie_Bucco said:
My guess is the citadel collapsed but did minimal damage beacause if it collapsed much of it would have fallen in the huge pit that surrounds it.
Nah... as Dr. Breem said before dying... destroying the portal will also destroy the main reactor w/c will cause a chain reaction that could destroy half of City 17. :borg:
Sid Burn said:
Nah... as Dr. Breem said before dying... destroying the portal will also destroy the main reactor w/c will cause a chain reaction that could destroy half of City 17. :borg:

yeah, it COULD destroy half of City 17.... that also means it might have only destroyed a 1/4 of City 17 but also means it could have destroyed more thne 1/2 i guess
the ending didn't necesarrily(sp) suck, it was just extremely anti-climatic. All that work you do, all you had done to that point, finally you win...then your pulled away. Now, the reason it doesn't completely suck is because it fits in with the G-Man's ways of doing that. But still...very anti-climatic. It would've been better if they hijacked a dropship and flew their asses out of there. Cliche? Perhaps. But then, it would've been like Alyx: Gordon, its not over yet. There's still more cities to liberate. All over, Resistance members are already taking arms and fighting the Overwatch. Our first stop is City 14. I was looking through some of Breen's files and found out that the Combine have been keeping something very interesting there...

And then time could freeze and G-Man appears. G-Man: Well Mister Gordon, you've done quite a job if I do say so myself. Heading to City 14 eh? Well, you'll have time to go there later. There's something more....important down below. Then time comes back. Alyx: What the...the dropship's engines just failed! And then you crash onto land and pop out. You find yourself on a hill. And down below lies hundreds of Ant Lions....

Now THAT is an ending.
Nah... as Dr. Breem said before dying... destroying the portal will also destroy the main reactor w/c will cause a chain reaction that could destroy half of City 17.

Theres no evidence to say he died, and he wasmost likley bluffing
After beating Breen, you keep looking at the bubble and it is glowing. I thought he got destroyed in all ways possible and ways that seem to be impossible. I could no clip into the bubble but I can't be bothered
Breen was killed. You were not, you are not meant to know about Alyx. How is that hard to comprehend?
Samon said:
Theres no evidence to say he died, and he wasmost likley bluffing
well, most people says he died... none can survive from that explosion... unless he managed to teleport. well, about the destruction of City 17... yeah maybe he was just bluffing... well, we will never know until HL3. :cool:
My radical theory is that Gman saved everyone in the building/city. How could he pick the lint off Alyx of she wasnt in the same place as Gordon and Gman at that time?
Breen was killed. You were not, you are not meant to know about Alyx. How is that hard to comprehend?

he wasnt killed, i emailed marc laidlaw on the subject and he replied with the following:

Marc laidlaw: "I'm afraid I can neither confirm nor deny rumors or speculation
regarding the possible survival of Dr. Breen.

And that's deliberate."

How hard is that to comprehend?

After beating Breen, you keep looking at the bubble and it is glowing. I thought he got destroyed in all ways possible and ways that seem to be impossible. I could no clip into the bubble but I can't be bothered

I did also, he remains inthe bubble and just continues to drift down.
^ Yet another piece of information to support my theory.
Reginald said:
My radical theory is that Gman saved everyone in the building/city. How could he pick the lint off Alyx of she wasnt in the same place as Gordon and Gman at that time?

It wasn't lint, it was a bubble gum rapper...duh :thumbs:

Seriously, I think Breen has survived merely to play a passive, yet important role in HL3, much like the Combine Advisor. I'm guessing because Gordon destroyed the teleport, he was taken somewhere off-hand, to be more radical, he could be in a teleport no-man's land right now, much like Gordon. But able to advise Earth's remaining Combine forces, err....something like that.
Maybe Breen is under the control of the G-man as well. . .

God damn i love this game. . . how many other games have thousands of people still debating over their storylines after the playing is done?
Maybe Breen is under the control of the G-man as well. . .

I doubt that, due to the fact each and every thing they do is against each other.
Samon said:
I doubt that, due to the fact each and every thing they do is against each other.

Yeah, but maybe he gave him a choice similiar to yours, serve or die, thats assuming Breen survived after you destroyed to core reactor. Dr. Breen has shown himself to have "potential" by first managing Earth's surrender and then being the Administrator for the thousands of humans that remain, so maybe the Gman is thinking he could still be of some use.
Yeah, but maybe he gave him a choice similiar to yours, serve or die, thats assuming Breen survived after you destroyed to core reactor. Dr. Breen has shown himself to have "potential" by first managing Earth's surrender and then being the Administrator for the thousands of humans that remain, so maybe the Gman is thinking he could still be of some use.

I think breens to busy with the combine, thus rendering him an enemy to gman.
DeusExMachinia said:
the ending didn't necesarrily(sp) suck, it was just extremely anti-climatic. All that work you do, all you had done to that point, finally you win...then your pulled away. Now, the reason it doesn't completely suck is because it fits in with the G-Man's ways of doing that. But still...very anti-climatic. It would've been better if they hijacked a dropship and flew their asses out of there. Cliche? Perhaps. But then, it would've been like Alyx: Gordon, its not over yet. There's still more cities to liberate. All over, Resistance members are already taking arms and fighting the Overwatch. Our first stop is City 14. I was looking through some of Breen's files and found out that the Combine have been keeping something very interesting there...

And then time could freeze and G-Man appears. G-Man: Well Mister Gordon, you've done quite a job if I do say so myself. Heading to City 14 eh? Well, you'll have time to go there later. There's something more....important down below. Then time comes back. Alyx: What the...the dropship's engines just failed! And then you crash onto land and pop out. You find yourself on a hill. And down below lies hundreds of Ant Lions....

Now THAT is an ending.
To some other game than Half-Life, that would be an incredible ending. That's simply not the style of Half-Life.
the gman wouldnt have stopped the time and put Gordon back to sleep if he didnt complete his mission . Therefore, there is a big possibility that Breen blown to bits n pieces. :smoking:

Just a thought: maybe G-man also got impressed by Alyx's skills. So therefore he may have also offered her to join the crew.
That's simply not the style of Half-Life.

Agreed, to a game like far cry or something looking through files would suit it....half life 2 is much more sophisticated than that.
Samon said:
Agreed, to a game like far cry or something looking through files would suit it....half life 2 is much more sophisticated than that.
So... HL2 is far more better that Farcry? I hope YES! :smoking: