Just finished it!


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
I finished GTAIV around twelve hours ago, and man what a wild ride it's been, it's lived up to all my expectations, both MP and SP is just amazing.

This is also one of the longest games I've ever played probably, looking past say Elder Scrolls games, it took me 29 hours to play through SP story.

If any others have finished the game, please post here too, so you can expand your e-penis.
I didn't really keep count so I dunno, many, and some of them are quite long, and there are no missions that are insanely hard like some have been in previous GTAs.
I think im currently in the 50-odd region, pushing 60, and ive yet to break 50% completion yet.
I didn't really keep count so I dunno, many, and some of them are quite long, and there are no missions that are insanely hard like some have been in previous GTAs.
I've noticed this too. Even though I'm nowhere close to finishing, the missions are well paced and aren't as frustrating as R* could have probably made them.
Indeed, I was even surprised by how easy the ending mission was, partially due to the new combat mode which makes combat far more easy than previous games imo.
I'm taking my progress slowly. Doing all sorts of various things along the way.
If your done, feel free to mail your copy to me:cheese:
I finished it yesterday with 92 missions completed, ~32 hours of play, ~72% complete and I got the good ending (assuming there are only 2).
There are two endings but SPOILER ALERT one ends with

Kate dying, and the other ends with Roman dying, so I wouldn't call either GOOD.
There is no free roam after you complete the stories?
There are two endings but SPOILER ALERT one ends with

Kate dying, and the other ends with Roman dying, so I wouldn't call either GOOD.

Well I'd consider the former a lot better than the latter.