Just Give it time


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
You know give it a month or so and valve should have a proper update, hopefully will fix a few things. Ive had a couple of problems. Like i cant finish the game and if i turn my settings up my grpahics skew, but all in all half life 2 is great. Counter Strike Source is good too and im happy to play that till valve sort some things out. I hope some mods come out soon aswell.
Why should we wait a month to play a game we''ve paid for? Last time I looked Valve doesn't give us the games and let us pay for them a month later.
Also they have had 5-6 years to develop this game, and they (Valve) said in a PR stunt that they were holding the game back to fix bugs and polish the game. As far as I'm concerned this game is far from complete and no better of than final alpha revisions of various other games.
palefire said:
Why should we wait a month to play a game we''ve paid for? Last time I looked Valve doesn't give us the games and let us pay for them a month later.

Interesting point.

I know that virtually no game is going to run perfectly on EVERY machine when released, but HL2 seems to have more than its fair share of problems (maybe because just a greater number of people are playing it?)

At any rate, the sooner they sort out a proper patch, the better.