Just got a new MSN virus


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
someone just sent me this:
There is a MSN Messenger virus released to protect yourself against this virus download this file : http://(don'tclickthelinkdumbasses)users.pandora.be/jansdavy/Bropia_a_patch.exe

A quick google search brought up no results on this one so it's probably very new. I'd assume that most people here are smart enough to not get caught by this kind of stuff, but just in case.
Anyone that'd fall for that deserve what they get ^_^
what's the link? :P

I've never got any viruses via msn, and with a properly groomed contact list, I don't think I have any reason to
Clearly the URl has nothing do do with MSN.. but thanks for the tip anyway.

Yes, anyone who clicks that deserves the fate that will ba handed to them.
im vigilant to anything :P

immediatly the old virus came thru iw as liek yeah i dont think this person would be sendingme an ass that would fit into the size of a tea cup : /
I fell for something like that once, but that was like 6 years ago. Clicked on a link for a file called funnypic.jpg.exe or something like that. Man, I was a n00b. :(
"There is a MSN Messenger virus released to protect yourself against this virus"

virus doesn't defeat virus, i think they used poor word choice there.
xcellerate said:
"There is a MSN Messenger virus released to protect yourself against this virus"

virus doesn't defeat virus, i think they used poor word choice there.

sure it does... it just then instates its own legacy of pain and suffering :laugh:
On my contacts list, I would say 65% of my contacts got a virus, because they keep sending these same files each day. How can they accept a file name "A blond eating a banana again.gif". Not that this is just annoying for them, but for me too. People are too innocent, may God bless them.
AntiAnto said:
On my contacts list, I would say 65% of my contacts got a virus, because they keep sending these same files each day. How can they accept a file name "A blond eating a banana again.gif". Not that this is just annoying for them, but for me too. People are too innocent, may God bless them.

Same here. Its all .pif/.scr/.exe files, which of course, are obviously picture files. :| They dont seem to be trying to get rid of it either, just putting up with it.
I've never got any viruses via msn, and with a properly groomed contact list, I don't think I have any reason to

So you have <5 contacts?? :P
crushenator 500 said:
Properly groomed? :laugh:
Aaah, I get it...

*deletes all Halflife2.net mods from contact list*.
No more viruses for me! :E
Dan said:
someone just sent me this:

A quick google search brought up no results on this one so it's probably very new. I'd assume that most people here are smart enough to not get caught by this kind of stuff, but just in case.

Don't use MSN messenger, use the microsoft messenger, alot safer I'd expect as I have had no problem
Don't use MSN messenger, use the microsoft messenger, alot safer I'd expect as I have had no problem

You mean windows messenger? It's featureless compared with MSN. I'm not going to be accepting any dodgy files anyway, so I'll just stick with MSN, and my hilarious display pictures, and the ability to paintbrush your message rather than type it.
SimonomiS said:
Isnt the handwriting feature MSN Plus? Or the Beta?

Dunno. I think the beta, but you have to install some ink_redistributables package.
beta has handwrite built in. for msn 6.2, you need the inkredist files. the tool is really nifty though :) what i'm waiting for the most in msn is animated display pictures.
handwriting is relaly only intended for tablet pcs (my computer) it's automatically inabled with normal msn