Just got a PS3. Recommend please! :D


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
So.. just got a PS3. I need an idea on what games I should play first. At the moment, I have a list of exclusives I of course want to play, but there are so many I forget that are even out there.

Heavy Rain
Little Big Planet
Oh God.. without looking at a list at the moment, I don't know what else there is.

I'm of course going to try and get them all used. Haha.

Question, do people lose interest in PSN games like they do on Xbox Live? I want to buy Fat Princess, but I fear I missed the boat and it'll be a waste of money. :(

Help me with my PS3! :D
Well, we could just paste a list of games but we dont know what you like.

Demon's Souls or Dark Souls would be a nice time-waster.

Uncharted 2 is practically mandatory.

Personally I would skip Resistance, look the storyline up online and go straight to Resistance 2, as the two being compared is like...I dunno, the gap is huge as Resistance 2 is infinitely better than Resistance.

FPS? Killzone.

Racing? Dirt series or F1.


That's a good start.

And PSN games are still played. Hell I play Battlefield 1943 now and then and there are plenty of people on that. Tomb Raider The Guardian Of Light is still played. Something like Fat Princess wont be going anywhere soon.
Infamous sucks. The only ones I can recommend are Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's/Dark Souls, and LA Noire if you haven't played it on 360 (which I feel like you may have?). Oh, and ICO collection.
Infamous is an acquired taste, but it's pretty big and lots of collectables etc.

Infamous 2 is much better though.
I didn't care for Infamous. It was fun, but then the enemies got harder.. and by harder, I mean they were the exact same with more health and a different skin.
The laziness made me not want to play.

I'd suggest Resonance of Fate, Both Armored Cores. Valkyria Chronicles is good, if you can bear the shitty anime-like storyline. Demon's and Dark Souls are both fantastic- they aren't really hard, if that might turn you off, they're not 'hardcore' at all, they just require patience.

Uncharted is cool.

I can't really recommend Killzone or Resistance since I disliked both and prefer my FPS on the PC. Killzone 3's multiplayer was absolutely garbage, for me at least.

Heavy Rain was cool until the shitty SAW twist. **** it. That game made me more mad than Dark Souls has, just from that single plot twist.
It was terrible. I hate it. Forever. At least Indigo Prophecy had eye candy at the end and neat fights.
MGS HD collection soon! :v
God of War and Uncharted are pretty much mandatory series to get. MGS4 can only truly be enjoyed if you've played the previous games and are fine with essentially watching a movie. Infamous and LittleBigPlanet are both decent games and can be gotten for free from the Welcome Back sale. Killzone 2 is a piece of excrement and should be avoided if you value single-player over multi. I've just started playing Resistance: Fall of Man, but I don't have much hope for it.
Get PS3 Media Server installed on your computer STAT. This will instantly transcode .mkv files (as well as a whole bunch of other unsupported formats) while streaming to your PS3. Also can use VLC to stream internet TV. You don't need to use CFW or a dongle. I basically use my PS3 as a HTPC when I'm not using it for games. Works wonderfully.

Edit: Most of my picks have already been stated, but, unless you've already played it on another system/PC, get Mass Effect 2. The PS3 edition runs on the Mass Effect 3 engine and has all of the released DLCs. I came across a few bugs, but nothing game stopping. Definitely worth the buy.

One of the interesting bugs I found in ME2:
Fat Princess used to be fantastic but now it's hard to get into. The devs kinda ruined the game in my opinion. :(

And get LBP2 instead of LBP. You won't be missing out on a lot. The story levels of LBP aren't that great compared to LBP2.
ModNation Racers. It is a Mario Kart clone for the PS3. Very enjoyable, especially the online portion.
No one has recommended Red Dead Redemption.

Little Big Planet one had more of an atmosphere than two. Also it's less of a child's game.
Personally I would skip Resistance, look the storyline up online and go straight to Resistance 2, as the two being compared is like...I dunno, the gap is huge as Resistance 2 is infinitely better than Resistance.

I played Resistance with my flatmate and enjoyed it quite a bit. Of course, that was :coop is fun: mode.
I was going to be snarky about you calling it 'Unchartered', and then I remembered that both games include at least one sequence involving a small boat, so fair enough. Among the exclusives, it's pretty ace.

Little Big Planet is probably the best living room multiplayer I've ever experienced. Well, except Singstar, but I'm running out of people that want to formalise their embarrassment.

Valkyria Chronicles has been pretty good, but the storyline is so anime that even the ink it was written with is androgynous.

Don't overlook the stuff in the store, even if the store is shitty to navigate. The Pixeljunk series are pretty much all good buys, but particularly watch out for Shooter and Monsters. ThatGameCompany's 'Flower' looks intriguing, as does the upcoming 'Journey', but they're only sort-of games. There seems to be plenty of other stuff. Whilst demos do mysteriously disappear from the store sometimes, there's plenty to dip your toe in.

Faggy artsy types probably want you and me to play ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. Tell them you'll get round to it when its off the market and truly hipster again. Hipster me got the PS3 release of Child of Eden, I just haven't got round to playing it yet.
You've probably never heard of it.
I played Resistance with my flatmate and enjoyed it quite a bit. Of course, that was :coop is fun: mode.

The gameplay is fun, but the story is executed about as smoothly as a jagged cliffside and the main character is about as likable as the shit on my shoe. The developers missed the opportunity to make a great game even with the interesting premise that they had.