Just got back from a 5 day vacation, and just wondering....


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WHERE THE HELL ARE 100 OF MY POSTS?!?!;( :borg: :flame:

Also, where are we moving to?
Why are post counts so important to so many people, on so many forums? It's not like it's a competition or anything :D

And besides, I'd rather people post 3 interesting contributions to discussion a week, than 100 posts like "HL2 RoXorz" or "w000t"

Not that I'm saying you're like that guinny, it's just a general forum observation :)
Originally posted by Logic
Why are post counts so important to so many people, on so many forums? It's not like it's a competition or anything :D

And besides, I'd rather people post 3 interesting contributions to discussion a week, than 100 posts like "HL2 RoXorz" or "w000t"

Not that I'm saying you're like that guinny, it's just a general forum observation :)

Exactly. I really hope that with the new forum skin, post counts will be removed again.
I've never really been a fan of fancily decorated flash sites with sound. I think a fresh, simple skin, with removed post counts, will serve this sort of forum perfectly well :)
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I really hope that with the new forum skin

To be honest, I like this purple skin... although I want back the Half-Life 2 logo instead of "VBulletin" if we are going to have this skin. :)
Originally posted by Loke
To be honest, I like this purple skin... although I want back the Half-Life 2 logo instead of "VBulletin" if we are going to have this skin. :)

It's the default vB skin, but there might be an option to change back to this in your User CP when the new one is uploaded.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
but there might be an option to change back to this in your User CP when the new one is uploaded.

Alright, sounds good. Thanks.
If that will be the case, we should get rid of ranks based on post count too. We should implement some kind af ranking system to reward those who give informative and interesting posts (or something). So everybodys not 'Waahhh!! i wanna be a combine only 500 posts to go! maybe i can get there by tomorrow!!!"

i thought guinny was banned...it's a shame he's not, if he's legal again.