just making sure, so asking a question


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
im worried, does ragdol appear same for everyone? like when someone is watching u shoot a dead guy, do they see what u see?
ktimekiller said:
im worried, does ragdol appear same for everyone? like when someone is watching u shoot a dead guy, do they see what u see?

Yah...because I've heard people going "Ohhh look!" and it was the same for everyone.
Unless you do cl_ragdollcollide 1, then everyone without that on won't see the ragdolls stack.
i don't think you see the same thing as someone else when they are playing with a dead body. At least, not while spectating. I've watched people go up to a body and take a couple pot shots. The first one is usually at a limb but the next couple end up being next to the limbs as if they are shooting a limbs in a different position than we see. I think it's been posted that some of the incidental physics are calculated on the client side, and I'm betting that limb flailing is one of those things.