Just me...shamelessly raping the source engine

Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Here's yet another amalgamated mechanical creation...by yours truly...this would be my first and quite possibly last attempt at a "mech"...I say last mostly cus whilst making this mechanized bastard, I found myself doing two rather unpleasant things...

1: Thinking...and thats just uncalled for

2: Repeatedly ramming my keyboard into computer screen...

2b: Attending anger management classes...damnit...-sighs and counts down from 5-

Therefore...I've given up on "motorizing" the monster...and am going to leave it as is...feel free to try it for yourselves...making it move that is...all I ask is that you atleast keep it cool looking...that was my goal atleast...a rideable mech that wasnt just thrown together...but yeah...and and here's my mechanical hand save too...while I'm at it

er...well apparently hl2.net doesnt like .rar files...so as soon as I put my saves in zip format I'll post em...


  • Hi.jpg
    97.9 KB · Views: 549
  • MoneyShot.jpg
    84.1 KB · Views: 569
  • SizeDifferential.jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 552
  • InnocentUnsuspectingLamarr.jpg
    83.6 KB · Views: 540

theres a site where u can submit things like this...i can;t remember where though
the zips

yes and no to the "does it move?" question...you can pose it...the limbs and everything are moveable...its very stable...but otherwise it's not "driveable" moveable...I leave that to you people...I tried...too damn frustrating...It's possible I'm sure...probably by using the numpad thrusters...-shrugs-...anywho here're the zips (saves)


  • mech.zip
    97 KB · Views: 120
  • hand.zip
    97 KB · Views: 130
yeah, firecrack I started to notice that halfway through putting the legs together...which is why I reversed em...i.e. fatter end of the crab cannister as the foot...instead of the pointy end...-shrugs-...guess it didnt do much difference...
Holy shit!
That's awesome!

Coolness x1337
Reminds me of something either from Halo 2 or Metroid Prime 2. Nevertheless, it looks awesome. Nice work.
Now what I want to see is that thing behaving like a gigantic poison headcrab.
Oh, imagine that.

You're running around city 17... you hear this clicking sound... you look around and a gigantic freaking HAND jumps off the top of a building and pins you to the ground.

And then you've got to find a gigantic fast spinning windmill to kill it :D