Just noticed something in a screen...



If this has already been discussed please ignore...

While looking at this screen, that hopefully attached, I wondered what exactly a Combine soldier would be shooting at. Look closely at the splash. Just behind it there appears to be something. At first I thought it could be a newer alien enemy but it actually looks like Gordon with his head turned. You might have to zoom in a little to see exactly what I mean. Anyway, just thought it was interesting and figured I'd point it out. I've been registered here for a while, but never posted anything till tonight, and I never noticed this being discussed before, so I figured I'd finally chime in.



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I think it's the hovercraft from the E32k4 video.
You can clearly see the two pontoons (white), and vaguely the cage ......
It does look a bit like a face. But if that were Gordon, then you would see alot of HEV suit orange right there.
Neo_Kuja said:
I think it's the hovercraft from the E32k4 video.
You can clearly see the two pontoons (white), and vaguely the cage ......

Your right.

Looks like the combine could be shooting at it but missed on his first burst of shots or something.
I think the map from the E3 vid was a different map. The sky looks different than in the video. If I remember correctly, this pic was just one of a slew of screens that were released after one of the magazine articles. (can't remember which magazine though)
I really can't figure out what exactly is behind the splash. To me it honestly looks like Gordon, but the coloring of it just doesn't fit. Any thoughts?

edit: You're right, it does look like the pontoon. But then that raises the question; Why is the soldier firing at the craft? Is someone there with it?
Hmm, i always thought the combine was shooting at Godzilla who is wreaking havoc in the city on the horizon.

Oh well.


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Neo_Kuja said:
I think it's the hovercraft from the E32k4 video.
You can clearly see the two pontoons (white), and vaguely the cage ......
I think it's to small to be the hovercraft, unless its sinking and its half under water
I think it's to small to be the hovercraft, unless its sinking and its half under water

Not from a distance, no. Compared to the wall next to it, and then the riverbank beside in in the E3 2004 video, it's about the same size ......
is it not just the reflection of the antena with the satillite dishes in the water?
i cant even see anything in that pic except for some water splashing up...

lol i think we're going a little overboard when we start searching for "jesus in the clouds" tabloid style spottings for gordon freeman.

merc, its there, there is a horizontal darker splotch that could be seen as the shadows where his eyes should be to outline the head.
i guess im just dumb and blind... lol

Mr-Fusion said:
Hmm, i always thought the combine was shooting at Godzilla who is wreaking havoc in the city on the horizon.

Oh well.
weird, i was listening to Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills and as i read the name of that, the 'run for your lives' part of the chorus played

I think it is Gordon in a l33t-haxxor-boat-thingy :eek: :naughty:
It actually looks like Gordon with his head turned away. I'm sure it's the new HEV suit that made us all confused, because it's more metally than orange. Very nice find.

But it looks like the HEV torso, which also happens to be a faceless vampire who is dumb.
Someone point out his head.

We can clearly see the hovercraft behind the splash, but where is the head?
Lollerz, lmao, omfg, you're WACKED :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

That is NOT Gordon Freeman, and if you think that's Gordon Freeman you should seek some sort of.. help :eek: :eek:

It's an hovercraft, prolly taken from sort of Demonstration (Viewdemo), could be Alyx who drives it, could be a citizen, could be any ally from HL2, could even be Gordon :D


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Or perhaps he's shooting it so Gordon CAN'T escape ?
Supposedly the A.I in HL2 will react to the enviroment, so maybe this Combine Soldier is shooting the hovercraft so Gordon can't A) Use it to gun the soldier down with the mounted machine gun .. or B) Escape with it.

Makes sense to me ......
Perhaps it's a member of the resistance, face down in the water?
Didn't you all watch the full E32004 presentation!?

There's an hovercraft, Gordon surley could manage to get past many enemies, he shoot them with the gun attached to the hovercraft, so I don't think one Combine could stop him..
Perhaps it's a member of the resistance, face down in the water?

<sarcasm>I doubt that a resistance member has two pontoons attached to him, as well as a metal rollcage on top ......</sarcasm>
The simple fact that you are 24/7 gordon freeman and that there is no cutscenes ever in HL means that cannot possibly ever be Gordon freeman in the water.

Secondly the fact that it has two large flotaition devices on either side also discards the "human being/alien" idea.

its a boat.
About the 24/7 gordon thing, it could be a screenie from the side view or something. Like someone spectating gordon and takin that screenie.
LOL... they are seeing things now, I bet we will have jumpers in a month or two
It is the hovercraft - but from far away it honestly looks like Gordon from spectator view.
The reason they don't hit him is probably because the boat is going very fast.

The person in the hovercraft is probably the player (without a player model). This is just promotional material, so it doesn't have to be from the Gordon perspective.

It could even be that the developers were playing multiplayer and that one is in the hovercraft while the other is standing next to a combine on a bridge... or not. :p
Anyone noticed the lack of attention to detail? Your meant to be in heavily populated city yet looking into the distance, theres nothing. At all. Come on valve make use of yer 3d skyboxes!
Its more detail than in your average game. :)

Mind you, this aint no average game. :D

What would you add though?
Zetahl2world said:
Anyone noticed the lack of attention to detail? Your meant to be in heavily populated city yet looking into the distance, theres nothing. At all. Come on valve make use of yer 3d skyboxes!

Umm, that's just one screenshot. See the videos and be shocked with the attention to detail. Even the most remotest wall has a different kind of spray painted gritty message. There is loads of attention to detail.
it does look a little sparse in the background for a city. even my town looks more populated than that :O
Hovercraft? lol that's an inflatable boat similar to the Zodiac ones.
I don't how you guys worked out a hovercraft, and a face from a splash.
Jezus.. that thing is way to big to be gordon.. unless his head is the size of an oildrum
Here's a wacky idea:

The screenshot seems to be awfully close to the Combine. As has been mentioned, the game perspective doesn't (or shouldn't) ever cut away from Gordon. If Gordon were this close to a Combine soldier, he would have a fight on his hands.

...Unless it's Barney in his Combine clothes. Eh? Eh? ;)