Just read the thread and find out please...


Nov 8, 2003
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Howdy, I have been having problems with my computer recently, since I bought my x800pro.

My System Specs Are:

# GeCube X800 Pro (with vivo, apparently) (with 5.6 catalyst)
# AMD Athlon 64 3200+
# MSI k8N Neo Mobo (250G or something, if that matters) (with most recent drivers)
# Conexant 56k modem
# 400 Watt PSU (with monitor on seperate power)
# 149GB (after formatting) Raided SATA (striped)
# 2 Case Fans

Anyways, my computer restarts itself erratically, usually when I am playing games. My first thougt is that the three way connecter from my X800 to my hard drives (they share a single connector) and back to my system is denying either my card or my drives of neeeded juice. For this reason I was wondering if I could remove three way plug from my card and just let it draw power directly (with the outgoing power released back to the system ofcoarse). I am a dork and thus, when they never mentioned this option I cannot fulfill it without sind advice, such as yours.

Also, if you have a better idea of the source of the problems, please let me know, preferably with advice as to resolving the issue.

Kind Regards, me.

P.S. Isn't the VIVO X800pro the fabled "XT bios-able" version. That wasnt an isue when I bought it, flamers (whoever you are)
could be heat/power/display drivers. You checked teh card to make sure the fan on teh gfx card is getting plenty of airflow. Remove. if you can, any PCI cards that are close to teh fan on the gfx card. Also make sure that there is good air flow passing through teh case. I see you have 2 case fans, but what configuration and what case do you have? I would try uninstalling the display drivers using driver cleaner and reinstalling them just to eliminate them from the list of possible problems. You could try unplugging devices in teh case that may draw alot of power from the psu, like additional optical and hard drives and cosmetic things like neon light tubes etc. Also do you get any sort of error report or message when it gets back into windows after teh restart or during the crash. Sometimes you get a GPU recover message when the game crashes using an ATI card, that would give an indication on teh problem. Hope this helps.
Thanks very much duffers20, I'll chack all that and post back if I have any further problems or queries (but probably not tonight).

Thanks again.
Just a note from another thread, if you aren't totally sure what you are going to uninstall with driver cleaner, then don't! You could cause your pc to mess up big time if you uninstall the wrong thing, so I would stick to add/remove programs, but it depends on what level you are when it comes to drivers and knowing whats inportant and whats not.
Also make sure your powersupply is enough to support the graphics card.