Just want to get one thing clear


har har har

I know it's tempting to say city 17 is in Eastern Europe but for those of u who finished hf2 did u notice that it didnt take that long to get from city 17 to the coast road??? :naughty:

Eastern European countries are long way away from any coast.

also; people in city 17 all speak fluent English and since we got lots of ppl from that research centre in New Mexico I'd say city 17 's former name is probably San Diego in California which is not a long way away from Arizona. So my conclusion is that city 17 is somewhere in southern california or in American-Mexican border and the coast road is just a highway along the coast in the same region.

Ok harty har hard many things wrong with ur post major ones are
1.Wrong place to put this thread but it will get closed or moved anyway
2. There are tons of very european things in HL2 ....too many to count..or post
3.Black mesa was most likely in arizona, new mexico, nevada so how could black mesa east be west of black mesa?
4.The water level on earth most likely rose...so all the cities would be closer to shore...
5. Cities coulve been built closer to shore since....whenever HL1 took place...and...

The Search button is your friend

I broke your flamed Cherry! :naughty: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Black Mesa East is just a name..it doesnt necessarily mean it's situated east of Black Mesa

Also; say the time span between hl1 and hl2 is only 10 years; its just not possible for the sea level to rise that much in 10 years.

So City 17 stays in North America (either in USA or Mexico)
:E :E :E :E :thumbs:
then explain why city 17 is full of Eroupean things?

Edit:Sorry actually The water level dropped.... But why the F**K would the call it black mesa east if it wasn't east of black mesa even if it is just a name (rebel base) also in california there is no arcitechture(sp?) like in HL2....ALSO nova Prospekt...so many other things have been posted before pleez use the SEARCH button and dont f*cking tell me u did like everybody does.
The water level of earth went down, and in eastern europe we would have acess to the baltic, black, caspian, and medeteranian seas.
Don't be mean. The sea level dropped because the Combine are draining the oceans.
Did u guys notice that the road signs and signs warning ppl about dangers in certain areas are all in English + they all look like signs in USA. In eastern europe they just dont have such signs or similar signs are in their own languages.

Also; ppl in city 17 represent ppl from different races, this is not the situation in eastern europe which is dominately european.

Some say ppl in Black Mesa moved to eastern europe..this is absurd as after a war its very unlikely for ppl to move around the globe especially from Noth Amerca to Europe..even moving from LA to New York would be a deadly ordeal.

So again City 17 is not in Eastern Europe but rather in North America ( could be in California or Texas which borders New Mexico and Arizona)

Guys use ur common sense when writing a convincing novel plz.
:p :p :naughty: :naughty:
Shut up, HAR HAR HAR, only 4 posts, you have given a view we all once had, but look at the facts.
^^ can you read? The reason some things were in english is because....get this SOME PEOPLE SPEAK ENGLISH IN EUROPE o noes ur theory is incorrect and it was not given much thought. What would be the usefullness of Russian names and UK spelling (such as saying Petrol instead of gasoline) in america???...as for the people..They were probably rounded up from the places that were destroyed by the combine...so....pleez consider ALL the facts before making such outrageous statements!
har har har its called combine are magical and are about 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years ahead of the human race,besides i think in rtb it says the north american population was destoyed.
I like the maturity level in this thread.

It is not in Europe, nor in the states. We don't know where it is, and Valve said it's based on alot of European cities. Sooo.... it doesn't really have a location.
Also; ppl in city 17 represent ppl from different races, this is not the situation in eastern europe which is dominately european.

The Combine controls immigration now. One of the easiest ways to break the will of a population is to displace them, take them out of familiar surroundings and place them far from home...continuing to move them so they cannot form an attachment to people or place.

Some say ppl in Black Mesa moved to eastern europe..this is absurd as after a war its very unlikely for ppl to move around the globe

Same answer as above. Those that survived the portal storms and the 7-hour war (I'm guessing that number is not very high) aren't free to move around the globe. They've been moved by the Combine.

So again City 17 is not in Eastern Europe but rather in North America ( could be in California or Texas which borders New Mexico and Arizona)

No. As was mentioned, we aren't given a location, so there's no direct conclusive proof. However, the architecture and environmental evidence leads me to believe that Eastern Europe is the most likely basis of City 17. Either way, it doesn't really matter; the world has been destroyed. Geography doesn't matter; Europe isn't a place anymore. It's the Cities, and the wasteland.
har har har said:
I know it's tempting to say city 17 is in Eastern Europe but for those of u who finished hf2 did u notice that it didnt take that long to get from city 17 to the coast road??? :naughty:

Eastern European countries are long way away from any coast.

also; people in city 17 all speak fluent English and since we got lots of ppl from that research centre in New Mexico I'd say city 17 's former name is probably San Diego in California which is not a long way away from Arizona. So my conclusion is that city 17 is somewhere in southern california or in American-Mexican border and the coast road is just a highway along the coast in the same region.


That coast part is STUPID.

Sorry to bump an old topic.


Havent you ever heard of the Baltics??!!?!?!? THATS IN EASTERN EUROPE YOU DUMB SHOE. This is obviously set in Estonia, Lithuainia, Latvia, or upper Poland, or maybe even Russia.

Thats so stupid to say that no eastern european has a coast, holy crap its even stupider when I remember it.
Nice job bumping the thread! Would you like some tea and biscuts!

But, i'l frogive you, because "You dumb shoe" is one of the most creative insults i haev ever heard.
it's eastern europe style, but we think it probably wasn't intended to actually be anywhere specific.
Ukraineboy said:

Havent you ever heard of the Baltics??!!?!?!? THATS IN EASTERN EUROPE YOU DUMB SHOE. This is obviously set in Estonia, Lithuainia, Latvia, or upper Poland, or maybe even Russia.

I concur with Ukraine boy. I believe City 17 is in the Ukraine for two reasons. One: It is quite clearly in an Eastern European country, and ukraine uses the Cyrillic alphabet which is found all over City 17 and Two: There is a clue in the name of the rebel settlement where you get the rocket launcher, New Little Odessa. And for those who don't know, Odessa is a city in the Ukraine which lies on the Coast of the other bit of water that touches Eastern Europe that Ukraineboy forgot, the Black Sea. So the city of Odessa is quite a realistic target for our search for City 17. Ultimately, we must accept City 17 isn't real, and unless Sierra paid the development team to scout the Ukranian coast to make it geographically accurate, I doubt we'll find one, but certainly a Ukranian city fits the majority of the criteria for the locale of City 17.

Oh and as for the English speakers, haven't you realised that the Earth's population is being moved about and re-distributed between cities? Of course some English speakers will turn up in City 17, but for the most part I think they speak English for the convenience of the gamer.