Just watched Equlibirum

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
I have to say, I loved it :D Its a very itneresting film, and it puts me in the mood I first felt when I watched the Matrix (no not the sequels). Its difficult to explain, but its an excited yet controlled mood. I'm sure somebody has felt the same way.

Anyway, most people here have probably seen it....What did you all think of it?
I love it, gotta be one of my favourite films. Gun-kata is damn well the coolest thing I've ever seen.
the ending scenes took my breath away, it was so unbleivably stylish, but i don't understand why they didn't allow feeling but they allowed anger, that's some kind of loophole or something
i saw it, and i pretty much liked it. i would probally give it 4 *'s. loved the gun battling, definately a class movie. there was something i didnt like, but seeing as i saw it ages ago, i cant remember what it was :)
I had the idea it was a crappy Matrix clone...
being the Matrix not so good itself...
Sprafa said:
being the Matrix not so good itself...

sorry? did i just hear you correctly?

no. must be wrong. origonal matrix = PURE class.
Sprafa said:
I had the idea it was a crappy Matrix clone...
being the Matrix not so good itself...

I don't know why you say that Sprafa considering most of the ideas you have about humanity seem straight from Equlibrium, or at least the film sounds like the ideas you have ;)
its ok..i think it feels kinda like a low budget Matrix..
h00dlum said:
its ok..i think it feels kinda like a low budget Matrix..

Thats just what the marketing would have you believe. The posters for this film were posed in such a way as to make someone who hasnt seen the film believe it to be a bit of a matrix clone when in fact thats not the case at all.

What i do like about equilibrium is the fact that its a story very much inspired by george orwells '1984' and it features one of my current favourite actors, christian bale. Whilst this film doesnt quite shine its still a damn good story.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I don't know why you say that Sprafa considering most of the ideas you have about humanity seem straight from Equlibrium, or at least the film sounds like the ideas you have ;)

I know the plot. Unimaginative. And I've lost those ideas some time ago....
h00dlum said:
its ok..i think it feels kinda like a low budget Matrix..
low budget doesnt always mean a bad movie....
unless you count Starship Troopers 2.....
i was looking forward to it, but it was so bad....
one of the most overrated movies ive ever seen :(

matrix + 1984 + low budget fight scenes = bad movie
*Closed* due to negativity towards a film I liked.

Ok, maybe not but my word is law and it was a good film! So you can all go and twist yourselfs with a philips head
Lol. I had to watch twice cuz i didnt understand it the first time. I liked the fightinh scenes. It was pretty cool.
Bought freaking time you watched it. (Now you know what my avatar is about. :)
I dont like it, its stupid and basicly theres this guy who is invinsible and goes around shooting everyone who have no chance in hell. storyline sucks and i was very much disapointed by it
I didnt heard about that movie

and in my opinion the first matrix movie is better than the sequels
Farrowlesparrow said:
*Closed* due to negativity towards a film I liked.

Ok, maybe not but my word is law and it was a good film! So you can all go and twist yourselfs with a philips head

Your funny :)

Actually, on the DVD box of it, it has a critics quote that says "Better than the matrix".

And I do agree with that.

And you know what my most favorite part in the movie is?

The part when he goes to the outlands to set the puppy free, and the cops stop him and the gun battle ensues... but there's this one move he does.
He does this back flip wile he shoots to his sides. Its just amazing.
It all felt a bit cliche, but really entertaining though.
I liked Equilibirum, and I liked Matrix. I thought Matrix to be the better of the two seeing the world is much more immersive, but both are two very enjoyable films. The Matrix sequels are also excellent, and I don't get why people hate them so much...
I f*ckin looove this movie. I made my girlfriend watch it, and she loves it too!
i liked the movie, but by god it stank of cheap producing. film making on a shoe string. i guess not a lot of people were bothered by a few things. it's just generally things that you'd expect wouldn't make it into the final cut. but if you listen to the commentary on the dvd, both the producer and director say they only have one real take on each scene, and they were on a very tight schedule. don't get me wrong, they did brilliant with what they had, but oh it makes me cringe so :o
The action scenes were all right, but the movie was just to damn slow for me.
I was expecting an all out romp, an orgy of violence, but instead i got the keebler elf whackin it- amusing at first, but i never want to eat their cookies ever again.
Equilibrium has just enough action and story to be a kickass movie, doesn't beat The Big Lebowski tho.
It was Oh


But the best part ever is "Not without incident" which happens 5 seconds prior to "oh shit"
It's been years since I last saw it. My mind has replaced it with other complete and utter rubbish.
LittleB said:
You're like some old guy- "'Telephone'? What's that?"
lol....Kinda.My friends told me all about it....I gotta go rent it.
It's alright, didn't like the whole gun kung fu thing. It was really cartoony
I have it on DVD.

If you listen to the audio cimmentary the director explains why there is some emotion shown by the chracters.
If you enjoyed the movie then I'm sure you'd be interested to know about a Max Payne 2 mod I'm working on called "The Hall of Mirrors".

I should let screenshots do the talking though, I work as a news poster on a gamespy fansite so I had a chance to post about it.

Go to http://www.3dactionplanet.com/maxpayne/ to find out some more about the mod :)

PS: Gun-Kata is part of the mod.
Hehe, I remember the feeling I got when I saw the Matrix for the first time, I was really excited trying to explain it to a friend who hadn't seen it and jumping around his tiny living room like an idiot. "Then he's running past all these pillars like outrunning the bullets like WHOOOOOOOOOA and he does like this huge cartwheel like this, like -- WHOOOOOA shit *crash* I'm okay."

Yeah, Equilibrium was damn cool, the big at the start where he slides in on that door and like BANGBANGBANG was damn awesome.
Such a great film, if sometimes a little cheap. Cheap as in 'lightweight' at times. But still doesn't stop it from ebign one of my favoutire films...especially the beginning sequence with the special forces storming the building. My favourite bit? Near the end when I thought there was going to eb a big swordfight...the two combatants swing...and the bad guy promptly has his face chopped off. Now that's what I call no-nonsense!