Kane & Lynch:Dead Men[from the makers of Hitman]


Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score

Co-op game from IO Interactive

Kane is part of a secret mercenary group known as The 7, his negotation abilities combined with his tactical prowess are how he got his position. For unknown reasons, he seemingly betrays The 7 in attempt to make off with a large bit of loot. Everything goes wrong and he's caught, a convicted killer.

He's on the same bus to the death house that's carrying Lynch, the psychopath. Lynch is an unrestrained berserker, the only thing keeping him in check at this point being his array of medications. He's on his way to the death penalty because during one of his episodes he completely and brutally destroyed his family, from his own perception he took a nap and woke up and they were all slaughtered around him.

Anyways a well planned escape is orchestrated wherein Lynch "abducts" Kane, they both end up with The 7 again.

The 7 have a new mission, Kane and Lynch must work together to recover that lost loot Kane had betrayed them for. If they pull it off without any major problems, Kane's reward is that they'll execute him painlessly and not annihilate his entire family. Lynch's reward is that he'll get Kane's job.

Various missions ensue. You'll also be able to hire and have additional mercenaries with you a la Freedom Fighters, up to twelve they say, though there'll also be slower moments. Lynch has to be kept on a tight leash, if he runs out of medication he may throw down his weapon and start bludgeoning a guy with his bare hands that you were originally trying to sneak past, etc.

Also, on one or two of the Hitman:Blood Money newspapers[I think the Death of a Showman and Dance with the Devil mention to death-row inmates escaping from a bus,it mentioned they were from 'The 7"
Sounds very interesting. Blood Money was great so this should turn out nicely too.
There is already a thread on this somewhere, but yeah the game looks amazing. Can't wait to play it. IO never disappoints. Style and Substance.