Kayne West starts WHOIS site called WHODAT


May 5, 2004
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Today, Mr. West unveiled WhoDat.biz, which is—well, it's a WHOIS information service. Billed as "the Facebook of websites," you can use WhoDat to look up information on the people—the "crew," if you will—behind a given website's domain. You'll be pleased to hear that, not only is the service free, but it works exactly as you'd expect from your typical registrar lookup.



Scrolling through all of that text that tells me what the site is before seeing what was searched is ****ing dumb.

That said, Kayne West is ****ing dumb.
More sites need 2500px tall headers with 192px text. It's almost literally a wall of text. That's some quality web 2.0 design.
Billed as "the Facebook of websites,"

Is it just my slowly deteriorating sanity or does this make no sense at all unless you're Kanye West?

I mean, does he mean it's Facebook for websites or what I just god kill me please someone I'll pay you to do it.
I'll do it but I like to listen to Kanye when executing people.
I assume he means it's like if websites had Facebook profiles. Which they do anyway. They're called Pages.

Imma let him finish but I'd just like to say that although I'm happy for Kanye, WHOIS has the best website...
What the **** is even happening here. None of this is parody?
Thank god.

Actually, now that I know it's not real, I kind of miss thinking it was. It was reassuring to be so utterly convinced that I'm living on Bizarro Earth.