Keith Olbermann just gained a fan

20 views and no comments? GG, maybe this should be in Politics or maybe I should have labeled it "New Paris Hilton Sex Tape".
20 views and no comments? GG, maybe this should be in Politics or maybe I should have labeled it "New Paris Hilton Sex Tape".

Samon's face upon reading that post: :frown:
20 views and no comments? GG, maybe this should be in Politics or maybe I should have labeled it "New Paris Hilton Sex Tape".
Or perhaps people just don't care about the opinions of a minor American celebrity enough to bother watching the video?
Excellent video. He's very focused and impassioned, which is something we need more of in the media these days. As for the issue at hand, I can only hope that this commutation is the thing that will finally bring about some change, and spark some actual investigation into those leaders... but somehow I doubt that will be the case.
someone give me a summary no video thingy
That is just insanely awesome.

I <3 Kieth for being such an open mainstream person. I can't name anybody who had this much balls, and on public say that. He just said what most Americans REALLY wanted somebody big to say.
I'm going to write to MSNBC and recommend that whenever he's on the air, instead of having a little banner that says "Keith Olbermann", it should just say "THE BALLS." I couldn't agree more with just about everything he said. Bravo!

I generally like Olbermann's monologues. He's right in that commuting the sentence crystallized so much of what is wrong with this administration. It was dirty, scandalous, and an insulting slap in the face to the very system that fairly and justly drummed out Libby's sentence. It would be one thing if Libby had at least seen a day of prison time. But this has made it clear that there was never any intention of letting get close to the wrist-slapping he was to receive.

I sincerely I hope this will be the spark that leads to impeachment, but I'm keeping my expectations realistically low. Which is a real shame.
Or perhaps people just don't care about the opinions of a minor American celebrity enough to bother watching the video?

Excellent video. He's very focused and impassioned, which is something we need more of in the media these days. As for the issue at hand, I can only hope that this commutation is the thing that will finally bring about some change, and spark some actual investigation into those leaders... but somehow I doubt that will be the case.

You fail.
Blah, it's either one side or the other yabbering away. I stopped reading when I got to something like

"When Bush won in 2001 people who didn't vote for him solemly took the sacred vow of silence"

WTF 2001 did this guy live in? Since day 1 people have been bellyaching and saying Bush stole the election and the book shelves have been running out of space for books slamming the Presidency. Silence. lolz. I mean, yeah we kept silent and gave Bush a chance and now we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore! lol

And when a democrat wins the Presidency this coming election (I don't see how a Rep could win) someone else's ratings will skyrocket with their attacks on that President just as Keith's has.

It's like watching people play games sometimes. Except I don't enjoy it.
Blah, it's either one side or the other yabbering away. I stopped reading when I got to something like

"When Bush won in 2001 people who didn't vote for him solemly took the sacred vow of silence"

WTF 2001 did this guy live in? Since day 1 people have been bellyaching and saying Bush stole the election and the book shelves have been running out of space for books slamming the Presidency. Silence. lolz.

yet Bush won his second election by a wider margin than the first election ...clearly americans are not listening
And when a democrat wins the Presidency this coming election (I don't see how a Rep could win) someone else's ratings will skyrocket with their attacks on that President just as Keith's has.

I don't know what his ratings actually are, but if they're high, I can guarantee you that its because of WHAT he says, not WHO he says it about. Yes, it may seem trendy to bash the Bush administration, but they've certainly brought it upon themselves. Its like they can't go 24 hours without doing groan-worthy. Someone who points these things out as powerfully and eloquently as Keith Olbermann does is going to get attention.
Yes, it may seem trendy to bash the Bush administration, but they've certainly brought it upon themselves. Its like they can't go 24 hours without doing groan-worthy.

when is a criminal not a criminal ..when your boss is George Bush and your name is Scooter Libby

when is a terrorist not a terrorist ...when your boss is George Bush and you're wanted for the deaths of 73 civilians in a terrorist attack
