Ken jennings lost

I know. I was just about to make a post about this in memory of him. I watched almost every single episode.

Ken will be missed.

Also. I think this was all a setup. :eek:
It was leaked already.

"What was Fed Ex?"
The Thing said:
It was leaked already.

"What was Fed Ex?"
Yeah. That was weird. When he wrote down: "What is Fed Ex?", my jaw dropped. I mean, I knew that he knew. That question was so easy. I think he did it on purpose, just like the two Daily Doubles. :O
T_T Its not on for another hour here
Thats so dissapointing
Omfg! They're not going to show it! GAAAAHH!!!!!!1
Wtf >_> The news is on instead, and its just showing
Some retard skating on an ice rink down town
WTFH!@!!! >_>

I watch every episode he's in and i dont get to see this one -_-
Omg.. i hate this city...
But dude...with all those winnings...if he's not an idiot, he'll never have to work another day in his life.
He must have thrown it away. I mean really, the final question was so incredibly easy, and he answers FedEx?! FEDEX KEN?!?

I just would have liked to see him compete against an equal, if one even exists.
What was this incredibly easy question, anyway?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
What was this incredibly easy question, anyway?

"This company has a workforce of 17000 people, whose average working year is only 4 months long."

He answered FedEx....
qckbeam said:
"This company has a workforce of 17000 people, whose average working year is only 4 months long."

He answered FedEx....

What was it?

*Im awful at jeopardy.
seinfeldrules said:
What was it?

*Im awful at jeopardy.

H&R Block

They (H&R Block that is) actually went to Jennings after he lost and offered him free tax and financial planning services for life. That's estimated at around one million dollars worth of service for free :)
The lady who beat Ken was named Zerg. Nancy Zerg. What a freaking awesome name.

Ken's actually writing a book now. I have no idea what he'll be able to write about, but it's nice seeing that he's still milking his success for every dollar it's worth. Way to be an American, Ken! Do us proud!

And about the Final Jeopardy answer, I wouldn't have known. I guess I must be a moron.
I heard he quit his job. He's pretty much set for life with his two and a half million dollars.
I don't think you can live off of 2.5 million dollars for the rest of your life. Of course, If he were to live fast and die young, then it might work out.
you can live off one million dollars, in a good bank, just form the interest, if you dont blow it on stupid stuff