Keyhole: A Globe-Explorer Program


Oct 7, 2003
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Hey guys, check out this program at You can download a free 7-day trial of it. It streams satellite images to your computer and stitches them together with a 3d model of our planet. It does take a while to stream satellite images. I zoomed into my house, and saw my pool! It's nuts. If this is available to the public for $20.00, imagine what the government has!

*closes blinds, and runs hiding in a corner*

Big brother is watching!

Edit: If you zoom into the white house, you notice that someone has done an MS-PAINT job to it :laugh: The tops of the buildings are all browned out with a solid-mspaint type smear.
Oh, and i thought of a game:

Where's Osama!

First person to find him on a map wins! :P
That's pretty neat... I'd love one that actually had current pictures, though. :P There's still a ton of construction around where I live in those pictures... and it's been done for years...

Or better yet, a live feed. :O
cant download it due to site probs... you got the program uploaded anywhere?

my old childhood house. yeay. that hill doesn't look steep of course, but you got going really fast near the end of the hill, a very bad wipeout near the end of it is inevitable. ouch. fun times.

this lake was evil. one day me and some friends went swimming in it for the first time, and there was this parasite that lived in it, about 12 hours later, we all got red bumps all over our bodies, it was worse than chicken pox. later they sanitized the lake and it was safe again. but that sucked.