Killzone 2 or Halo 3

-I(!113R 7-

Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
I think that Killzone 2 will be a totally sick game but will be somewhat underrated compared to Microsofts "monster series" Ps PS3 WILL KICK ASS!!! anyways your comment...
Well considering we've seen ZERO gameplay from either title I can't judge yet.
Well ... I didn't like Halo, but then again Killzone wasn't that great either. To me they're both fairly average FPS games ... I'm looking forward to the next game from Free Radical, Resistance, or even Warhawk more than either of those two.

That being said, all we've seen from both is non-gameplay teasers, so we have no frame of reference to compare the two. For what it's worth I do like the setting/style of Killzone more, the whole semi-realistic futuristic gritty war thing, so I'd put my money on that.
yea same here...Killzone 1 wasnt exactly fully polished and Halo, is kinda too out there for me, like its too futuristic and that doesnt really give u a sense of an actual war being played out as Killzone does. After we get through this prerendered phase i'll decide but so far I agree w/Killzone o and I find it funny how the Helghast symbols are kinda similiar to Nazi's and they march the same way tehehehehe:LOL:
I didn't like Halo, and I agree that Killzone 1 was...meh. Halo 3 trailer just didn't do it for me, and while the Killzone 2 trailer made me jizz my pants, I'm not convinced. We need to see REAL gameplay. My bet's on Killzone 2, still.
I'd get both if I were getting both consoles, but seeing as Sony are shitnuts I'll have to go for Halo 3.:)
I've never played Killzone but I heard it wasn't very good. I really liked Halo and Halo 2 was disapointing. Hopefully Halo 3 can redeem it (though I probably won't be getting an Xbox 360 anyway)
Both garbage as far as I'm concerned.

FPS games simply don't work on consoles. It's using a pipe wrench to do brain surgery.
Halo wasn't bad. Killzone was pretty meh. I guess we'll see. They both had their ups and downs.
So far, the only thing I can say is that I preferred the Killzone 2 trailer to the Halo 3 trailer. Man, that video was sweet.
As much as I dislike Halo for how overrated it has become, at least the series has actually proven itself. So far killzone has been one pathetically hyped so-called "halo killer" (well, if you're going to set your sights that low...) that no one played (and those who did don't rate it), and a damned nice FMV that lied through seventeen sets of teeth about what the final game could possibly look like.

For that matter, is Killzone 2 even going to come out anymore? When the PS3 was finally showing real videos, it was suspiciously absent...
Metroid Prime 3. :LOL:

I mean... just look at the first boss. It's a freaking huge muscle slime creature with huge scissor claws! :E What's the enemy in Halo again? What's that? The Flood? ...Oh.
Halo 3, at least we have seen some REAL ingame footage and have an idea of how well it would, otherwise forget about Killzone 2.. well, I'd get it (I preordered the first) but who knows when it will be out, just what the gameplay/graphics will be like and I'm not buying a PS3 for a lonngg time.
I'm looking forward to see what Guerrilla Games can manage to make out of Killzone 2 as I very much liked the previous game, especially the design. As for now though I'm keeping my expectations low.
Killzone was pretty fun.

But since I won't be getting a PS3 anytime soon, I'll be getting Halo 3.
I haven't played Killzone before, so i'd have to say Halo.

Even though there isn't really any gameplay footage released for both games, it's a silly quesiton at the moment.
Well considering we've seen ZERO gameplay from either title I can't judge yet.

We have seen gameplay from Halo 3, although it wasn't quite gameplay. The trailer was done on the actual game engine and was playable. The guy doing the Halo 3 presentation actually ran around with master chief, shot some of the guns, pointed out the details of the game, etc.
Halo 3.

While Halo 2 didnt match the majesty that was Halo in single player, it was a decent game. There's also co-op (even the haters out there must admit that Halo 1 & 2 are the best co-op fps around). If Halo 3 just turns out to be more of the same but in HD (and hopefully online co-op) it'll be a blast.

Killzone was average at best, and the sequel shows no sign of improving other than providing nicer visuals. I really see nothing to get excited about here.
How about Zelda for wii? or Mario or Metroid prime

Down with the ordinary- Yay for the revolution!
Hey let's compare 2 games that don't even have gameplay vids out or much info and stretch it into a 2 page thread

I think that Sony may be trying to keep Killzone 2 on the DL so that it'll intruige ppl more when it finally remember how exciting it was to finally hear everything about the wii? And I can't wait to see what Guerilla can do w/next gen gaming because I loved the blooming effects in Killzone.(I just hope they use a better physics engine, more interactivity...and a less linear story mode!!!):E AND WTF IS GOING ON!!! AS IT HAS BEEN STATED MULTIPLE TIMES HALO 3 HAS SHOWN GAMEPLAY VIDEOS!!!
Hey let's compare 2 games that don't even have gameplay vids out or much info and stretch it into a 2 page thread


You can still compare by looking back at their previous iterations.

gg dalamari
even the haters out there must admit that Halo 1 & 2 are the best co-op fps around
Halo isn't quaking in its boots because of the competition because there isn't any, not because it's actually significantly better than other games. And if we're honest, when you drop split-screen Co-op into any average game, you have yourself a good experience, same for split-screen multiplayer. It's easy to mistake the perks of playing a game in the same room as your friends as a part of the product itself. It's just another way in which Halo thrives as a console game and dies as a PC game. With a Mouse and Keyboard, the combat is dull, and without your friends (or the bloody co-op mode), multiplayer is a sack of tedious crap.
warbie said:
While Halo 2 didnt match the majesty that was Halo in single player
You can still compare by looking back at their previous iterations.

gg dalamari
If we were to do that, Deus Ex 2 would currently still have mods being developed for it, C&C Generals would have knocked Starcraft off the throne and DooM 3 would have been the most important FPS of this century. :|
I have to disagree w/the co-op statement in Halo 2. I preferred co-op far more in SC:Chaos Theory and liked it just as much in Timesplitters 2 and 3!:E
Each to their own.

I like the challenges in TS, but didn't rate the single player or co-op much - the series will always suffer from feeling like a poor Golden Eye/Perfect Dark. I actually prefered the co-op in PDZ. The vehicles and the rock hard challenge make Halo co-op for me - it's just hectic.
We have seen gameplay from Halo 3, although it wasn't quite gameplay. The trailer was done on the actual game engine and was playable. The guy doing the Halo 3 presentation actually ran around with master chief, shot some of the guns, pointed out the details of the game, etc.

He did? Where is this video? The only motions I've seen is Chief walking out of the dust/rubble with his gun over his shoulder and then when he's standing on the cliffside. If that was actual gameplay, why the hell have they made it so you can have your gun slung over your shoulder in a dramatic pose? :\ I mean, it adds to realism, but... ehh.
Each to their own.

I like the challenges in TS, but didn't rate the single player or co-op much - the series will always suffer from feeling like a poor Golden Eye/Perfect Dark. I actually prefered the co-op in PDZ. The vehicles and the rock hard challenge make Halo co-op for me - it's just hectic.

Goddammit, I want PDZ so bad. The original was really one of my favorite games and Rare was my favorite developer, but I've barely even been able to try out the prequel. I'm sure I'll be disappointed, but it would still be nice to play it through ... not worth buying a 360 for though. Rare hasn't made a great game since Bad Fur Day ... if they had kept their quality level up I would probably be a 360 owner right now.

For me, Timesplitters has taken it's place. I would say that TS2 and TS3 were the best console FPS games of last generation, by far, especially in multiplayer. Halo really didn't do it for me, I mean it wasn't terrible but it wasn't very good either ... pretty much just an average FPS game.
We have seen gameplay from Halo 3, although it wasn't quite gameplay. The trailer was done on the actual game engine and was playable. The guy doing the Halo 3 presentation actually ran around with master chief, shot some of the guns, pointed out the details of the game, etc.

Oh, I only saw the in-engine teaser. Where can I track down a vid of the presentation you're talking about?
The only other Halo 3 trailer I can find is a behind the scenes trailer. Thats all.
Goddammit, I want PDZ so bad. The original was really one of my favorite games and Rare was my favorite developer, but I've barely even been able to try out the prequel. I'm sure I'll be disappointed, but it would still be nice to play it through ... not worth buying a 360 for though. Rare hasn't made a great game since Bad Fur Day ... if they had kept their quality level up I would probably be a 360 owner right now.

For me, Timesplitters has taken it's place. I would say that TS2 and TS3 were the best console FPS games of last generation, by far, especially in multiplayer. Halo really didn't do it for me, I mean it wasn't terrible but it wasn't very good either ... pretty much just an average FPS game.

PDZ wasn't very good. :p