kinda poor results


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
hi, i jsut bought a radeon 9800 pro 128mb. i only got about 4795 in 3dmark 03, which isnt bad but i was hoping for better, could it be my computer specs that let me down?

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

DirectX Version 9.0b

Mobo Manufacturer Intel Corporation

Mobo Model D845WN

AGP Rates (Current/Available) 4x / 1x, 2x, 4x

CPU Intel Pentium 4 1595 MHz

FSB 100 MHz

Memory 512 MB

also, is it my motherboard that stops me from having 8x AGP?
yes, it's youre motyherboard that stops you from haveing 8xagp, though you really aren't loosing anyhting.

I think you're "low" score is due to you 1.6Ghz processor, even though it doesn't could for much, it does count for some. (in 3dmark03)
Memory speeds and CPU is probably whats keeping you back
Just wondering...did you get an OEM 9800 Pro?
processor, memory, mobo chipset.. all factors holding your score back which is right where it should be.
asus, i guessin OEM is the manufacturer, if it is then no, i got hercules because i previously owned a hercules and they were good. im planning to buy a new mobo and processor, with extra ram, will this up my performance, im thinking of getting a p4 2.6 ghz.
OEM is not the manufacturer. Did your hercules come in a box, like retail? Or did it come in bubble wrap in a white box or something, with just the essentials, thats OEM.
o, it came in a box, yeh retail. y does that make it worse or something?