Kinect destroying Move


Feb 3, 2005
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Microsoft Sells More Than 2.5M Kinects Worldwide In 25 Days
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) said strong demand over the Black Friday weekend has boosted retail sales of its Kinect for XBox 360 to more than 2.5 million units worldwide since it launched less than a month ago.

The Kinect device and Sony Corp.'s (SNE, 6758.TO) similar Move platform were built to appeal to casual gamers who have gravitated to Nintendo Co.'s (NTDOY, 7974.OK) Wii videogame system.

Analysts have said sales of motion-based videogame products are expected to rise during the holiday season. The popularity of the new devices comes as the videogame industry combats a long soft patch caused by the global recession and subsequent weak economy.

On Monday, Microsoft said sales were "on pace" to reach the company's goal of selling five million units by the end of the year. Before the Kinect launch, Microsoft had raised its worldwide sales forecast to five million units, from three million.

The positive sales momentum comes as preliminary results from the Black Friday weekend showed a mostly positive start to the industry's key selling period.

Microsoft's shares grew 0.2% to $25.36 in after-hours trading.


However, it's not selling well in Japan, for 1) Japanese homes are mostly small as hell and don't have room, 2) Japanese like Japanese products

Playstation Move
So how has Sony's Move motion controller been fairing now that it's been on sale for just about a month? Pretty well, apparently, as Sony Computer Entertainment Europe head Andrew House has told Bloomberg that Move is so far exceeding Sony's own sales expectations, to the point that they'll likely need to increase production soon.

"[Move has had] very significant sales in the first month since launch, somewhere in the region of 1.5 million units for the new controller across just Europe," House said. "The initial sales response has been so far in excess of our initial plan that we'll probably be looking at accelerating production."

Boo copycats.

Speculative Kinect sales figures announced, looks to have handily trumped PlayStation Move
According to the site, Kinect Adventures (bundled in with the camera itself) sold just under 480,000 units in one week after launching on November 4th, while the PlayStation Move sold 200,000 "units" in its first week, which according to VGChartz is not individual pieces of hardware but bundles of hardware tied to a single console. (This contrasts to Sony's figure, which counts each piece of hardware -- nunchuck, wand, and camera -- separately.)

Wow you gotta buy all that extra shit. I like the idea of Kinect, since it's basically 6 controllers in one.
Kinect is capable of simultaneously tracking up to six people, including two active players for motion analysis with a feature extraction of 20 joints per player.
I still see this a fad. I think buying one of these and hacking it sounds more fun than playing Kinectimals
Kinectimals is a children's game, though it is rated everyone.

I am interested in what they do with it. Dance Central sounds really fun, TBH. But I'm not going to buy a 360 to play one game. So, I just want to see where they can take this.

I do like the head tracking feature for racing games (to move your head to look around in a car cockpit, for example), as long as I can use the 360 gamepad to drive the vehicle. But that's just one side feature that will probably be added on to future racing titles. Yes, I know you can do that with the PS3 Camera peripheral as well.
Are there any good games that uses either one?
I can confirm...just myself I think I sold around 40 units this weekend....
....huh...what? /goes back to playing Donkey Kong
lol Basically, that's the worst game in the world right now. I don't even understand how that game could ever see the light of day. It's mind boggling.

The only good game is Dance Central,
and those exercise titles are OK if you're into that, particularly the UBIsoft one.
They've cooked the numbers because it makes people like VirusType2 want one when they feel everyone else has one.
But I'm not going to buy a 360 to play one game.

If they nail the controls for Child of Eden, and if it turns out to be half the game that Rez is, it'll be worth buying a 360 + kinect for one game.

btw, isn't Panzer Dragoon Orta being remade for Kinect?


It's called Project Draco, by the director of the Panzer Dragoon games. Crappy trailer:

Give me magic carpet on dragons and let me shoot fireballs out of my hands - is it too much to ask?!
How would one play an FPS with Kinect? Do you make gun gestures with your thumb and finger? At least the Wii and Move have something tangible to hold. Of course I wouldn't spend my money on any of the above mentioned, but I'm just curious how my favorite genre would work.
Shit man. **** kinect. Damn camera scaning your room, for all the corporations to gather information how to make you a better consumer. Dance for them puppets, it's being recorded. The jews are slowly taking over the world. While we are busy holding imaginary steering wheels and shit.

Also it's a stupid gimick and looks stupid.
I think the msot interesting sue of the kinect I see in the future(in gaming cuz is supposed to play games isnt?) is that new steel batallion game that used to require some big arcade control thing and will be using the kineck which if all this tech demos and such are true,can be a very good concept since is about operating tons of bottons in a cockpit

cuz in the rest the kinect dont look all that special
You know why both MS and Sony made motion controllers? Because the Wii is outselling them both by roughly 30 million console units.

You know why the Wii has been more successful despite inferior graphics and a less robust selection of games? Because of motion controls.

You know who likes motion controls and makes them such a successful and marketable feature? Casuals.

Casuals drive the motion control market and always will. That's why shit like Wii Fit is advertised non-stop. The Kinect and Move are no different... they're aimed at the same casual audience. Not just the teenaged gamer who wants to play Halo, but his little siblings, parents, and even grandparents. The fact that some of you seem so excited by them is absurd to me. I'm sure there are going to be some worthwhile titles, but it's far from the next big thing in gaming (for real gamers anyway) and it could be argued as a bad thing since moving towards the casual space is not really what any of us want, is it?
Some real gamers games are better due motion control. Mario Galaxy 2 would be a worse game with a conventional joypad, as would Metroid Prime be with a mouse and keyboard. Sin and Punishment 2, Lost Winds, Kororinpa ... motion controls have a legitimate place in gaming beyond appealing to the casual market.
Of course the Move is doing worse. Kinect you don't need a controller to hold that has a gay ass ball at the end of it.

Then again, I can't wait for a couple years when you stop hearing about Kinect and Move.
Kinect will most likely jump over Move in term of moving units next year sometime no doubt. If you do the math is simply cheaper to buy the kinect if you wanna play 2 players or so. I've spent more money on the move than on my kinect so far.
They've cooked the numbers because it makes people like VirusType2 want one when they feel everyone else has one.
I knew I must have one when I actually gave it an objective chance by watching GiantBomb play it, having an absolute blast. That's what it's all about. It's amazing piece of technology and it's fun as balls.

Can't you come up with anything original to say? You said this when Rez was shown months ago. Cook the numbers? Right, like they can just make up numbers for sales, nobody will notice when no money comes in. Don't you know they've been doing this for Windows as well! :rolleyes:

That's how many shipped to retail not to consumers, and is therefore irrelevant. When it comes to people actually buying them, they've sold less then Kinect, despite the Move being out for twice as long.

The Kinect and Move are no different... they're aimed at the same casual audience. Not just the teenaged gamer who wants to play Halo, but his little siblings, parents, and even grandparents. The fact that some of you seem so excited by them is absurd to me. I'm sure there are going to be some worthwhile titles, but it's far from the next big thing in gaming (for real gamers anyway) and it could be argued as a bad thing since moving towards the casual space is not really what any of us want, is it?
Sorry, but I feel the same way about Call of Duty, Halo, Killzone 2, etc. It's garbage for casuals. Learn to dance like a professional entertainer? Now that's a novel game - and fun! If that doesn't interest you, well give it a chance. Who knows what they can do with it; this is uncharted territory.

I can't wait to play a good track and field game. That old Konami game back in the 1980's arcades was faaaaaaar from casual.
That game was a smash hit amongst the hardcore, and now, with Kinect, you actually have to run in place, jump, and throw javelins, imagine spinning around and throwing the discuss.

Kinect opens up a lot of new things you can do, but yes, it is still more limited than a standard controller. After all, when you can make tapping a button on a gamepad: run, jump, shoot a gun, etc., well that's pretty generic and limitless, but not necessarily better. Besides, you can use Kinect with a gamepad!

The reason I mention an Olympic game is because the Kinect uses your body. It's a no-brainer to have athletic games. But what other kinds of games would work well on the Kinect? Any ideas?
Used my mates Kinect today, was actually really fun.
I've been going so casual during the past month, Playstation Move and now Kinect. And yes, they're really fun to play!

I think I need to get my eyes checked, I've seen news about Kinect since the first announcement and only after buying did I notice that "shit moon it's Kinect, not Kinetic!"
Just bought the Kinect today, I'm actually having a great time with it along with family and friends. I bought Dance Central and Fitness: Your Shape Evolved. Both are great games, but Dance Central is a clear winner among everyone. It registers most movements, I've never had problems with lags or anything else either. As long as you have 6+ feet clear everything should run smoothly. Looking forward to more games coming in the next year.
You should definitely pick up the sports one, with track and field, ping pong, bowling etc, awesome fun.
honestly If I had Dance Central looks like the only worth getting right now.....
Dance Central is really fun!

God damn I'm glad I have curtains, I must look like a damn retard while jumping around :D
The only Kinect only game that looks like it could be cool is Steel Battalion, since that game was known for its focus on atmosphere and complex controls. If done right I think it would be awesome to be able to reach out and turn all the button switches and levers (not as cool as the giant controller they made for the first one, but still).

That's nice Sony spin. For starters, 4.1 million is what they've shipped to stores, not what is sold to consumers, whereas the MS numbers are how many they've actually sold to consumers.

Second, most Move users likely bought more than one Move wand, which goes into the figure, whereas you only need to buy a single Kinect.

Move has been out since September, and they have almost definitely been surpassed by Kinect, which has been out for only a month.

Plus, according to Neowin, Kinect has become the fastest selling gadget in history, surpassing the iPad.

They're selling about 100,000 per day. Can't wait to see how many more units Kinect sells leading up to Christmas.

*Edit* As for the games, dance central and kinect sports are definitely the two best games out there right now. Kinectimals is actually fairly fun if you can get past the fact that it's a tiger pet sim.

With Project Draco, Steel Batallion and Child of Eden on the way, 2011 is looking great for Kinect. Plus, there's bound to be plenty of other surprises for next year, so pay attention to E3 (for example, the Gears of War kinect title that is rumored to be announced at the VGA's).

As for controlling games like these, remember that you can't take games as we know today and shoehorn Kinect controls onto them (ie, stop trying to take an FPS and figure out how to make Kinect work for it... Kinect requires a whole different view of game design to get it to work well, which is why I can't wait to see how some of these more hardcore games will be played).
They'll get over it, just like everyone got over the Wii.

I'm not disagreeing with that actually but i'm just saying kinect isn't entirely wiping the floor with move just yet when you consider that this is still definitely profitable for sony, who has spent very little in terms of marketing move compared to kinect's massivemarketing push. I guess my point is that this aint the psp go :P
I'm not disagreeing with that actually but i'm just saying kinect isn't entirely wiping the floor with move just yet when you consider that this is still definitely profitable for sony, who has spent very little in terms of marketing move compared to kinect's massivemarketing push. I guess my point is that this aint the psp go :P

Oh, well I'll agree with that for sure. :) It's not a total failure like the psp go. However, it likely isn't meeting Sony's expectations and probably also disappointing for them that Kinect is doing better.

One thing I think Sony really fumbled on with Move (other than the fact that it's not really innovative) is that they don't seem to be going all-out on it. MS placed a HUGE bet on Kinect. That's why they've been spending so much money on marketing and such. MS basically launched a new platform, whereas Sony merely added an option for PS3 owners. Most games I'm hearing about are normal games, but merely have optional Move support. Where are the Move exclusive system sellers? I've been hearing a lot about games that have optional support for Move (Killzone 3, Socom 4, LBP2, etc), however, if Sony really thinks this is the future, instead of a quick way to cash in on the motion controller market, then they should make some AAA Move exclusive titles. That means don't just make Move optional, make it required.