Kingdom Lost Update

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
dassbaba from Kingdom Lost has just sent me word of a huge update over at their website. The update includes information about the team having made a decision to decrease the poly counts of their in-game models and they'd also like to hear from you, the community, suggestions on possible combat systems they could implement into the game. There's also a hint that they're redesigning their website soon[br]
Of course, no mod update would be complete without the lovely media update. Here's just a few of the best:[br]
[br]So if you want to find out more about Kingdom Lost or you want to catch the rest of the large media update, then visit their website by clicking here.
This looks like a very cool mod. Good Post Chris_D :)
hey that looks cool, i like his armor. Kinda trips you out if you look at it for a while :P
The model is quite nice. But I looked at other renders and his head is very wrongly preportioned. It also would have been a lot better if they would have made a higher polgon model for normally mapping. It would have been very easy with the style of armor as well.

Anyway, good modelling etc... Its not really my type of mod but its nice art work.
eh, i hate it when people criticize proportions, thats all up tothe artist, i think its fanf**kingtastic
Thanks for the kind words guys, I'm the co-leader over there at KL :)
Nice screens and concept. Just the rear view of the 2nd screeny... puts a whole new meaning in the word "warrior princess".
Looks like that knight could use losing some weight.
No im not flaming, but i wouldent want to play anything that looked like that, proportions? or is it supposed to be a man/shemale inside a machine?
Nice screenshots. The concept looks cool :) So many mods coming, so little time!
RRunner said:
Looks like that knight could use losing some weight.
No im not flaming, but i wouldent want to play anything that looked like that, proportions? or is it supposed to be a man/shemale inside a machine?

yeah I actually thought the same thing lol :p
I dont know about the proportions but the shoes look nice, i hope Nike make trainers like that next year!!
polyguns said:
eh, i hate it when people criticize proportions, thats all up tothe artist, i think its fanf**kingtastic

Bad proportions equals bad modelling. Some artists just can't pull it off very well.
nah, cannons of proportions can vary depending on the style. look at comic art. when i use to study it, you would find some characters that were 9 heads high, and some that were 4 heads high, ive read books on the meaning you try to portray when having varrying proportions. larger heads and more stalky bodies make the characters look bulky.
theres a ton of excellent artists that have manipulated the proportions of the human figure and been extremely sucessfull.
look at the proportions of the hulk, and compare them to the proportions of wolverine. Look at the character Maxx by same kieth, and the enormous feet, all his characters were created while ignoring the proper cannons of proportions.
cs s should have standard proportions, maybe one head higher then normal proportons to give it a more idealized look, some soldiers are 5 ft 6, 5 ft 7, but that doesn't make them appear very dynamic ingame as a taller, more slender character would.

you can tell by the quality of the model that the artist knows what he/she is doing. if it was a crappy made model, and the proportions were wacky, that would be one thing, but its a great model, based off fantasy, with a comic / anime style, therefore i don't see a real problem with the proportions of this model. as long as the cannons have some degree of consistency throughout the game, it will be sucessfull imo.