Kingdom of Heaven

Wow, that really does look incredible. I haven't seen production like that since Return of the King.
Another crusade would think that they wouldn't make more anti-Islam movies right now. Nevertheless, it looks great.
The movie looks good, but I think the trailer dragged on a bit. Showing bits of story out of context in a trailer is never a good recipy to make something look interesting!
The_Monkey said:
Another crusade would think that they wouldn't make more anti-Islam movies right now. Nevertheless, it looks great.
I'd watch the trailer more closely then. I'm not sure which other big crusade movies are out right now, but this one seems to be taking the side of the Muslims very clearly. Theres a good bit of trailer thats not very flattering to the crusaders.
Ridley scott is one of the best visual directors out there...
How many more epics must he make with seas of grain!!

How many more young ones must Liam Neeson tutor/train!!

That aside, the only problem with this movie is that Orlando Bloom, as of yet, can not act for life.

That aside, it looks like a wicked flick and an Oscar contender.
Looks terrible :/

'And the Oscar for the most unrealistic portrayal of an historical event goes to ........... Kingdom of Heaven'

Sure the battles will be good, though :)

(much like Gladiator - another great looking movie, ruined by a ridiculous plot)
I completely agree (Braveheart being a good example. In real life Wallace was a complete loonatic asshole. None of the events in the movie happened as suggested - but it was still great fun ... and believable)

Kingdom of Heaven looks pretty terrible fullstop (super cheesey and completely unbelievable)
I may be wrong, but I thought Gladiators plot was pretty much a classic story. The rightful king is thrown to the wind and is replaced by a lesser man, and the real king then begins a long story of hardship to rally the people and overthrow the new tyrant while revenging his family.
It wasnt exactly the newest idea on the block.
I'm more of a fan of older Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Alien, etc.) than his new stuff like Gladiator and Black Hawk Down.

That said, the trailer is good. I especially like they bit where they're carrying the cross across the battlefield.
I think this could be a good movie if Orlando Bloom wasn't in it. Unfortunately all his movies outside LOTR suck. He is as wooden as a plank and I don't think he can carry a whole film on his shoulders. They should cast Johnny Depp as his partner again.
He has amazing flare for Sci-Fi movies but he seems to avoid them for some reason.
Raziaar said:
Anybody know the name of the song that plays at the very end of the trailer at

Where the female's singing at the very end.

I heard that it was Alanis Moriesette singing...dont remember the name of the song..Alive or something i think the name was..

edit: or prayer...

edit2: The ending music from 1:50 on in the trailer is from Jonathan Elias' "Prayer Cycle." The female singer at the end is Alanis Morissette.
Man... the previews for Kingdom of Heaven they're showing on TV, and have been... are really crappy. I hope that doesn't undermine the success its sure to have. I mean, the quicktime preview looks great, but these TV ones are subpar. They need the guy who did the LOTR movie trailers... those were amazing! Some parts in the trailer were 10 times more cinematic than the movie parts themselves. Heh.
I don't know about you, but the ones they've been showing here have been quite impressive. Makes me want to see it more.
Direwolf said:
I don't know about you, but the ones they've been showing here have been quite impressive. Makes me want to see it more.

Where's here? UK?

I'm in the states... and the trailers are rather bad in my opinion.
I'm in Connecticut. They show a few fleeting shots of some massive battles and a lot of very stylish little clips.
Ohh thanks for reminding, i remember i saw the trailer on tv for a while ago. Looked amazingly good =D
I've been watching this since the first trailer came out, and though I'm not happy with Orlando Bloom, so long as he doesn't try anything too dramatic the movie should be able to ascend beyond his shitty acting, besides, the fact that it's not just taking the side of the crusaders is nice to see
beyond that, anyone know which song is playing throughout this trailer?
the song throughout there kicks ass, i love how it goes into the whole guitar part and then has the orchestra
im worried about the story, hope it wont be overly anti-muslim etc, supposedly he rewrote the history books for it and bloomy!!!, what the hell?
Garfield_ said:
Orlando Bloom was good in Troy :>
he was a whiny little bitch, of course i hated Troy overall, what a watse of 3 hours of my life
But it had flaming balls!

/me can't make that sound any better.
Direwolf said:
I may be wrong, but I thought Gladiators plot was pretty much a classic story. The rightful king is thrown to the wind and is replaced by a lesser man, and the real king then begins a long story of hardship to rally the people and overthrow the new tyrant while revenging his family.
It wasnt exactly the newest idea on the block.


StardogChampion said:
I think this could be a good movie if Orlando Bloom wasn't in it. Unfortunately all his movies outside LOTR suck. He is as wooden as a plank and I don't think he can carry a whole film on his shoulders. They should cast Johnny Depp as his partner again.


And BTW Troy was excellent, and Cinderella Man looks to be awesome too.
Direwolf said:
But it had flaming balls!

* Direwolf can't make that sound any better.

phhh, thats nothing a business man in taiwan cant get in 30 minutes downtown :D

it was pretty crappy.
This movie looks good because I like epic battles
The_Monkey said:
Another crusade would think that they wouldn't make more anti-Islam movies right now. Nevertheless, it looks great.

What! This looks anti-Christianity or Middle Ages Christianity rather.

And the movie looks dumb...Although nice production values, kinda' like Troy and Alexander. I try to stay away from Hollywood.